Faster-Retinaface-Cpp-mxnet:faster and lighter
Fixed bugs with demo.the demo is write in github file you know...
Upload Example....i forgot it at first...
debug:flip result
debug:when use_lankmarks=false,output extract idx is wrong.
reduce packing and unboxing matrix times and time
No “vote” for the time being,i think it is not often to used,so i have no debug it,maybe.....Coming soon
Pretrained Model: RetinaFace-R50 (baidu cloud or dropbox) is a medium size model with ResNet50 backbone. It can output face bounding boxes and five facial landmarks in a single forward pass.
WiderFace validation mAP: Easy 96.5, Medium 95.6, Hard 90.4.
To avoid the confliction with the WiderFace Challenge (ICCV 2019), we postpone the release time of our best model.
RetinaFace-MobileNet0.25 (baidu cloud). WiderFace validation mAP: Hard 82.5. (model size: 1.68Mb)
opencv cpp lib
mxnet cpp lib
cuda 10.0
cudnn 7.5