A large scale network visualization engine based on WebGL.
Homepage: http://netv.zjuvag.org/
- GPU-accelerated render large-scale graphs (millons of elements)
- High FPS for dynamic rendering graphs
- Fast WebGL-based mouse interaction on graphs
Download NetV.js from releases: https://github.com/ZJUVAI/NetV.js/releases
Or import from CDN: https://unpkg.com/netv/build/NetV.min.js
If you use npm, you can also install netv:
npm install netv
Basic example shows below:
const testData = {
nodes: [
{ id: '0', x: 300, y: 100 },
{ id: '1', x: 500, y: 100 },
{ id: '2', x: 400, y: 400 }
links: [
{ source: '0', target: '2' },
{ source: '1', target: '2' }
const netv = new NetV({
container: document.getElementById('main')
# start and install dependencies for all packages
$ npm run bootstrap
# to add local dependences (add some local package as one dependency of another)
# first install lerna as a global package
$ npm install lerna -g
# second: lerna add local-package-1-name --scope=local-package-2-name
# e.g. add packages/label to packages/netv
# their names are defined in their corresponding "package.json"s
$ lerna add @netv/label --scope=netv
# note that only public packages can be added as local dependency,
# otherwise, problems will occur after packages are published to NPM
# build the packages
$ npm run build
# if you wanna watch one of the packages, e.g. packages/label
$ cd ./packages/label
$ npm run watch
Feel freely submitting issues and pull requests. You may check our contribution guide.
$ npm install -g lerna # if you didn't install lerna globally
$ lerna version [major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease]
$ lerna publish from-git
NetV.js is owned by Zhejiang University and
Zhejiang Lab. The development of NetV.js is led by the
Visual Analytics Group of Zhejiang University and
Zhejiang Lab Jianwei Team.