Based on the work of @jseidelin on soe-network, h1z1-server is a library that emulates an H1Z1: Just Survive server.
A redditor said : "It's just matter of effort and to have enough people of with interest towards having such private servers to the respected game. I highly doubt that H1Z1 (Just Survive) is one of those."
So we will see :)
Thanks to UTIL_TRACELINE for his involvement in the project, the project would not be in this state today without him.
Thanks to Hax max for his determination and hacking skills 😛.
Thanks to LcplReaper for his interest in the project and the management of the community around the project.
Thanks to Meme for being an OG/active contributor 😄.
Thanks to Avcio for his dedication on gameplay improvement.
Thanks to Rhett for his interest in the project and his research on the Forgelight engine in general.
Thanks to Chriis who provided the basis for this project by being the first (as far as I know) to try to emulate servers for h1z1 and who inspired me.
Thanks to Jacob Seidelin without whom none of this would have been possible.
Thanks to all those who sent messages of help and support and perpetuated the hope of playing h1z1 again.
Download the latest version of H1DepotDownloader
Use DepotDownloader ( only work if you've bought h1z1 )
AppID : 295110 DepotID : 295111 ManifestID : 1930886153446950288
How to use DepotDownloader :
cmd : .\DepotDownloader.exe -app 295110 -depot 295111 -manifest 1930886153446950288 -username username -password 1234
Like all games H1Z1 has C/C++ & DirectX dependencies.
You may already have them but just in case
VC 2010 Redist
VC 2015 Redist
DirectX Jun 2010 Redist
You can download them all here
On the H1Z1 game folder there is a file name "ClientConfig.ini".
Add sessionid=0
at the beginning of this file.
And change the Server value to the address of your server , probably localhost:PORT
If you have followed the step just above this one, this step is no longer necessary, and you can start the game by double clicking on H1Z1.exe.
Execute this command in CMD/Powershell ( you have to be in your h1z1 game folder ) :
.\H1Z1.exe sessionid=0 server=localhost:1115
Since v0.2.3 of h1z1-server the npm package debug is used to make debug logs.
set DEBUG=* & node loginserver.js
set DEBUG=ZoneServer & node zoneserver.js
h1z1-server-QuickStart and follow the instructions written in its README
npx -p h1z1-server h1z1-server-demo
to try the 2015 server via npx. -
npx -p h1z1-server h1z1-server-demo-2016
to try the 2016 server via npx. "# built-h1z1-server"