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This script use Wacom (Intuos S BT) and Huion (Inspiroy H1060P), but I think it works for any graphic tablet if you modify the drivers inside the folders (Not tested)

How to use

  1. CLOSE ALL ART/DESIGN PROGRAM (Clip studio paint, photoshop, illustrator...)
  • Create windows shortcut of Switch.bat and change it's properties to open with admin rights
  • Or open directly Switch.bat with admin rights

Extra info: You can edit the script right clicking and "Edit"

How to update drivers

  1. Install new drivers
  2. Go to System32 and SysWOW64 on C:/Windows and copy the new files named same as current files
  3. Paste these files in their respective folders

Current Version:

  • Huion: v15.6.3.132 (Inspiroy H1060P)
  • Wacom: v6.4.1-3 (Intuos S BT)

Why don't work

Possible reasons:

  • Open the script with Admin Rights (This is needed because script need copy file to System32 and SysWOW64)
  • Check that all art program are closed
  • Change the drivers to you graphic tablet, I don't know if each tablet has its own driver.
  • Update the drivers
  • Check if you have Huion App on C:\Program Files\HuionTablet, if not, change the path to the app on the script

Why Wacom have more file than Huion?

It has more files, since copying less for some reason did not work the pressure in Clip Studio Paint and for test I put all Wacom files that were in System32 and it worked but I don't check what file is the reason :p

How does it work

@echo off

::Set path to current folder
set "currentPath=%~dp0"
::Set driver folder names
set "driver1Name=Huion"
set "driver2Name=Wacom"

::Set Huion App location
set "huionApp=C:\Program Files\HuionTablet"

::Set driver path
set "driver1=%currentPath%%driver1Name%"
set "driver2=%currentPath%%driver2Name%"

::Set variable save file name
set "lastDriverFileName=lastDriver"
::Get the last driver used
set /p lastDriver=<"%lastDriverFileName%"
::Trim the lastDriver string
set "lastDriver=%lastDriver:~0,-1%"
::Set location of the drivers
set "driverLocation=C:\Windows\System32"
set "driverLocation2=C:\Windows\SysWOW64"

::Kill Huion apps
taskkill /f /im "HuionTablet.exe"
taskkill /f /im "HuionServer.exe"
taskkill /f /im "HuionTabletCore.exe"

::Kill Wacom apps
taskkill /f /im "WacomCenterUI.exe"
taskkill /f /im "WacomHost.exe"
taskkill /f /im "Wacom_UpdateUtil.exe"
taskkill /f /im "Wacom_TouchUser.exe"
taskkill /f /im "Wacom_TabletUser.exe"
taskkill /f /im "Wacom_Tablet.exe"
taskkill /f /im "WTabletServicePro.exe"

if "%lastDriver%" == "%driver1%" (
::If last driver is driver1 go to driver2
	goto driver2
) else if "%lastDriver%" == "%driver2%" (
::If last driver is driver2 go to driver1
	goto driver1
) else (
::If is first time, go to driver1
	set "lastDriver = %driver1%"
	goto driver1

::Tag for "goto"
::Copy all drivers to driver location
xcopy /s /y /q "%driver1%\System32" "%driverLocation%"
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
	goto errorfinal
xcopy /s /y /q "%driver1%\SysWOW64" "%driverLocation2%"
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
	goto errorfinal
::Change last driver to driver 1
echo %driver1% > "%lastDriverFileName%"
::Show what driver is using after change
echo "Driver changed to %driver1Name% driver"
::Huion need this app to work
start "" /D "%huionApp%" "HuionTablet.exe"
::Skip to final
goto final

::Tag for "goto"
::Copy all drivers to driver location
xcopy /s /y /q "%driver2%\System32" "%driverLocation%"
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
	goto errorfinal
xcopy /s /y /q "%driver2%\SysWOW64" "%driverLocation2%"
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
	goto errorfinal
::Change last driver to driver 2
echo %driver2% > "%lastDriverFileName%"
::Show what driver is using after change
echo "Driver changed to %driver1Name% driver"
::Wacom need this service to work
net start WTabletServicePro
::Skip to final
goto final

::Tag for "goto"
echo "Failed changing drivers, check that all art programs are closed."
::Tag for "goto"


I personally use this to add the script to Windows Menu and let me know which one I am currently using (The name of the Quick Access change every time you use the script)

(You need create Quick Access on C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Switch Drivers)

@echo off

::Set path to current folder
set "currentPath=%~dp0"
::Set driver folder names
set "driver1Name=Huion"
set "driver2Name=Wacom"

::Set Huion App location
set "huionApp=C:\Program Files\HuionTablet"
::Set Quick Access Location
set "quickAccess=C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Switch Drivers"
set "changeToDriver1FileName=Switch to %driver1Name% Drivers.lnk"
set "changeToDriver2FileName=Switch to %driver2Name% Drivers.lnk"

::Set driver path
set "driver1=%currentPath%%driver1Name%"
set "driver2=%currentPath%%driver2Name%"

::Set variable save file name
set "lastDriverFileName=lastDriver"
::Get the last driver used
set /p lastDriver=<"%lastDriverFileName%"
::Trim the lastDriver string
set "lastDriver=%lastDriver:~0,-1%"
::Set location of the drivers
set "driverLocation=C:\Windows\System32"
set "driverLocation2=C:\Windows\SysWOW64"

::Kill Huion apps
taskkill /f /im "HuionTablet.exe"
taskkill /f /im "HuionServer.exe"
taskkill /f /im "HuionTabletCore.exe"

::Kill Wacom apps
taskkill /f /im "WacomCenterUI.exe"
taskkill /f /im "WacomHost.exe"
taskkill /f /im "Wacom_UpdateUtil.exe"
taskkill /f /im "Wacom_TouchUser.exe"
taskkill /f /im "Wacom_TabletUser.exe"
taskkill /f /im "Wacom_Tablet.exe"
taskkill /f /im "WTabletServicePro.exe"

if "%lastDriver%" == "%driver1%" (
::If last driver is driver1 go to driver2
	goto driver2
) else if "%lastDriver%" == "%driver2%" (
::If last driver is driver2 go to driver1
	goto driver1
) else (
::If is first time, go to driver1
	set "lastDriver = %driver1%"
	goto driver1

::Tag for "goto"
::Copy all drivers to driver location
xcopy /s /y /q "%driver1%\System32" "%driverLocation%"
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
	goto errorfinal
xcopy /s /y /q "%driver1%\SysWOW64" "%driverLocation2%"
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
	goto errorfinal
::Change last driver to driver 1
echo %driver1% > "%lastDriverFileName%"
::Show what driver is using after change
echo "Driver changed to %driver1Name% driver"
::Huion need this app to work
start "" /D "%huionApp%" "HuionTablet.exe"
ren "%quickAccess%\%changeToDriver1FileName%" "%changeToDriver2FileName%"
::Skip to final
goto final

::Tag for "goto"
::Copy all drivers to driver location
xcopy /s /y /q "%driver2%\System32" "%driverLocation%"
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
	goto errorfinal
xcopy /s /y /q "%driver2%\SysWOW64" "%driverLocation2%"
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
	goto errorfinal
::Change last driver to driver 2
echo %driver2% > "%lastDriverFileName%"
::Show what driver is using after change
echo "Driver changed to %driver2Name% driver"
::Wacom need this service to work
net start WTabletServicePro
ren "%quickAccess%\%changeToDriver2FileName%" "%changeToDriver1FileName%"
::Skip to final
goto final

::Tag for "goto"
echo "Failed changing drivers, check that all art programs are closed."
::Tag for "goto"


Script to change between Wacom and Huion drivers




