Known bugs:
- Due to an upgrade to a new unstable version of Terminal.Gui some elements in the CLI interface may be buggy / not visible at all. If you experience any serious CLI issues please report them in the github issues.
- JSON serialisation of config files may not work on some systems due to .NET AOT issues
- Some packets may be behind cutting edge spec, if any inconsistencies are found between RplaceServer and the server.ts server software, please report them on this project
- Turnstile authentication is not implemented yet, despite being present in configs, however it should be functional in the next, or upcoming releases
Release notes:
Major changes:
- Updated dependencies, bug fixes and stability improvements
- TKOfficial multiple config file types and config handling improvements
- Updated packets and conformance to newer rplace client specs
- ZCaptcha captcha generation fixes and improvements
- Various other fixes
Full Changelog:
A full list of github commit changes can be found at v1.0-tkofficial...v1.1-tkofficial
Build Process:
This release was generated with the dotnet commands using .NET 9.1 Preview 1.
dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained true /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true
dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 --self-contained true /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true
These binaries should be self contained, so a dotnet installation may not be necessary to run the server software. All features since the first commit to this repo are included within these binaries, and should be made up of TKOfficial, the CLI server software implementation, and RplaceServer, the server software library.
Running the server:
- Extract the server folder and open a new terminal within that folder.
- From the terminal run ./TKOfficial on MacOS and Linux, or .\TKOfficial.exe on windows.
- __The first time you run the server software, it will ask to create a config file. Pay attention to which format you would like to use for the server (supported: JSON, YAML, TOML). It is important you edit your config before proceeding to run the server software in a production environment!!
If you encounter any issues, feel free to message me or submit a github issue on this repository!
Have fun 👋