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Repo for Android Studio work for Mobile Dev class AD340.

Create a new project in Android Studio

  • include a name that will be appropriate as you extend the application throughout this course. Be sure to use a unique 'domain' name, as it will be difficult to change later.

  • Select a minimum API level that works for at least 80% of Android devices. For now, it's ok to support just phones in portrait mode.

  • Your app should have a main activity that displays a custom title, your name, and any other fun facts about yourself when the application runs.

UI Layouts (Homework 2)

  • Add a text entry field and 'send' button to your main activity.

    • The text field should have fixed spacing to the left edge of the screen and to the button on it's right. Field width should vary according to screen size. The button should have fixed spacing on it's right to the screen edge.
  • Add a 2 x 2 grid of buttons below the text entry field.

    • Each button should have unique text. The left edge of the grid should be aligned with the text field, and right edge should be aligned with the screen margin.
    • Spacing between each column of buttons should vary according to screen size.
  • Enable each button with a click event, where tapping the button displays a 'toast' specific to that button.

  • UI elements should be fully visible on a range of phone screen sizes.

  • Text strings should be defined in a resource file separate from your layout elements.

Zombie Movies List (Homework 3)

  • Add two new activities to your app - 'Movies', 'Movie Details'

  • Update home page to launch 'Movies' when the corresponding button in the 'grid' is clicked.

  • The Movies activity should display the title and year for each movie in this list. (source:

  • When a list item is selected, launch the movie detail activity to display title, year, director, and description for the selected item.

    • Your detail activity should receive movie data as part of the intent bundle.
  • Enable screen title and 'back' navigation on each activity

  • Layout & sizing of UI elements should appropriate for a range of phone screen sizes. List and description fields should be scrollable.

Live Cams (Homework 4)

  • Add a new activity to display a list of traffic camera locations.

    • The list should display description and image for each camera. You can re-use much of the layout code from HW3.
  • Camera data can be loaded from

  • JSON data should be mapped to a Camera class for use within the application.

  • Activity should check the device connectivity status and display a graceful warning if not connected. You should only make a network request if the application has connectivity.

  • Update one of the buttons on your main screen to launch this new activity when clicked

Location, Location, Location (Homework 5)

  • This week you learned how to work with device location in Android.

  • Add a new activity that:

    • detects the user's location
    • displays a map, centered on the user's location
    • displays a marker for each traffic camera loaded in the previous homework
    • displays the camera label when a marker is clicked

Data Persistence (Homework 6)

  • Update your main activity with additional text-entry fields so users can enter:

    • user name (you can repurpose the existing text field)
    • email address
    • password (user entries should be hidden)
  • Be sure to use appropriate field types for each.

  • Also, update your application with these changes:

    • Rename the button associated with text fields to 'Login'
    • Create a function to validate login-form entries
    • Add a new activity to load & display data from Firebase. You will need to add page title and back navigation for consistency with other activities in your app.
    • Add sign-in code to your main activity and modify to:
      • Validate that each text-field is non-empty (using the function you created earlier)
      • Prevent navigation & show a warning if any field entries are invalid,
      • Store valid field entries to shared preferences;
    • Obtain a google-services.json file and add Firebase dependencies to your app (see steps 3 & 4 at )
  • When your app runs it should:

    • Populate each text-entry field with a previously-stored entry if available,
    • Invoke the signIn function when the Login button is clicked.
    • Validate text-entries and if entries are valid, sign user into into Firebase, launch FirebaseActivity, and show the name entered along with data for other users who have signed in
  • Finally, Update your application to retrieve & display information from a shared Firebase project for this class.


Work with Android studio for Mobile Dev class






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