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TheUltimateKeval edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

Zeno Plugins

Zeno Plugins are NodeJS based scripts which can be used to provide optional features for users. Zeno Client has a user-friendly plugin management system to make it easy for the end user to install and manage plugins. Its as easy as loading a mod!

(Guide on making plugins)

Plugin updates are automatically installed whenever available when the client is started.

The Plugin Browser

The plugin browser provides a simple interface for the user to use plugins.

Open The Plugin Browser

To open the plugin browser, simply double-click the Zeno Button.

Zeno Button

Plugin Browser Button

Or alternatively, you can open it from Zeno Settings.

The Interface

The plugin browser consists of two tabs - Installed and Download. The Installed tab is for managing installed plugins. The Download tab is for installing new plugins from the Zeno website.

Plugin Browser

Installing a Plugin

To install a new plugin, head over to the Download tab.

Download Tab

Hover over the plugin you want to install, and click on the download button.

Download Plugin

Wait for the plugin to install. This might end up taking more than 5 minutes if the plugin uses a lot of dependencies.

Plugin Downloaded

Finally, reload the page by pressing F4 or join a new lobby to load the plugin.

Managing Installed Plugins

After successfully installing and loading a plugin, you can manage plugins through the Installed tab in the plugin browser.

Installed Plugin

  1. You can enable / disable the plugin by click on the play / stop button. (Requires reload for action to take place)
  2. You can uninstall the plugin by clicking on the trash can button. (Requires reload for action to take place)
  3. You can change plugin settings by clicking on the settings button. Example -

Plugin Settings