yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn lint
npm run build -- --report
Init() http://localhost:3000/init http://fz-backend.simpleitsolutions.ch/onlinebooking/api/init
Flights available for a given date: https://fz-backend.simpleitsolutions.ch/onlinebooking/api/flightoptions/2020-06-08
FlightsDates List of dates and timeslots:availability for a given date range. http://localhost:3000/flightsdates
Use the Mozilla Laboratory Firefox plugin to help generate. Video on how to use it: YouTube
curl -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "Username=foo" -d "Password=bar" -d "Address=0041XXXXXXX" -d "Message=Hello eCall World" https://url.ecall.ch/api/SMS