Table of Contents
A web app that allows the user to keep a current record of their comic book library. The user can add a new title with corresponding details like author, synopsis, rating, etc., store the data in our database and allow an easy way to update or delete existing titles. Built to specifications provided by CodeSquad.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- JavaScript
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- Install the latest Node package manager, globally.
npm install npm@latest -g
Below is an example of how you can instruct your audience on installing and setting up your app. This template doesn't rely on any external dependencies or services.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install NPM package dependencies
npm install express ejs mongoose dotenv morgan
Browse your collection by cover!
Create new entries and update existing comic book entries!
Check out the about page to see details about your collection!
Zhikeng Kong - [email protected]
Project Link:
Use this space to list resources you find helpful and would like to give credit to. I've included a few of my favorites to kick things off!