This project is an NFT marketplace for the RobinMania game that features an auction and trading platform for users to securely connect their wallets and trade assets through our smart contract deployed on the Polygon network. Utilizing ReactJS for the frontend, Solidity for smart contract development, and Hardhat for contract deployment and testing, this project secured first place in the Encode Club Hackathon and was highlighted in the article Encode X Polygon Hackathon Finale: Prizewinners and Summary on Medium.
Games's Github repository:
Presentation Video :
Game contract address: 0xa64e1032b959a9A1F63aC093b39B968364FCfd77
Marketplace contract adress: 0x42670556893Bcb7bbC53Cfe75fF4FCbeCc3d5cA6
Auction Contract address: 0xBF1d9F532bBeADf28DE5510E1bB54545631bD9DF
- Deploy NFT Smart Contract
- Deploy Marketplace Smart Contract
- Deploy Auction Smart Contract
- Dungeon
- In Game Vendor
- Marketplace Frontend
- Marketplace Backend
- Multiplayer feature
- Quests system
- Deploy Token Smart Contract
- DAO Smart Contract