A free and open source discord bot with no pay-wall. Made using discord.py and wavelink.
Invite the bot to your server!: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=915595163286532167&permissions=2150656000&scope=applications.commands%20bot
Docker Image : https://hub.docker.com/r/zingytomato/nikomusic
Support Server : https://discord.gg/grSvEPYtDF
Clone the Repository
$ git clone https://github.com/ZingyTomato/Niko-Music
Enter /Niko-Music
and install all the requirements using
$ pip3 install -Ur requirements.txt
Fill in .env
with all the appropiate info. (Check the file)
Run the bot using
$ python3 niko-music/bot.py
Check out both the docker-compose.yml
and .env
files which are required to deploy the stack.