EXPERIMENTAL this command generates a product configuration template from a .pivotal file on Pivnet
**EXPERIMENTAL** this command generates a product configuration template from a .pivotal file on Pivnet
om [options] config-template [<args>]
--config, -c string path to yml file for configuration (keys must match the following command line flags)
--exclude-version bool if set, will not output a version-specific directory
--file-glob, -f string a glob to match exactly one file in the pivnet product slug (default: *.pivotal)
(aliases: --pivnet-file-glob)
--output-directory string (required) a directory to create templates under. must already exist.
--pivnet-api-token string
--pivnet-disable-ssl bool whether to disable ssl validation when contacting the Pivotal Network
--pivnet-product-slug string the product name in pivnet
--product-path string path to product file
--product-version string the version of the product from which to generate a template
--size-of-collections int (default: 10)
--var, -v string (variadic) Load variable from the command line. Format: VAR=VAL
--vars-env, OM_VARS_ENV string (variadic) **EXPERIMENTAL** load variables from environment variables matching the provided prefix (e.g.: 'MY' to load MY_var=value)
--vars-file, -l string (variadic) load variables from a YAML file
Global Flags:
--ca-cert, OM_CA_CERT string OpsManager CA certificate path or value
--client-id, -c, OM_CLIENT_ID string Client ID for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--client-secret, -s, OM_CLIENT_SECRET string Client Secret for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--connect-timeout, -o, OM_CONNECT_TIMEOUT int timeout in seconds to make TCP connections (default: 10)
--decryption-passphrase, -d, OM_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE string Passphrase to decrypt the installation if the Ops Manager VM has been rebooted (optional for most commands)
--env, -e string env file with login credentials
--help, -h bool prints this usage information (default: false)
--password, -p, OM_PASSWORD string admin password for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--request-timeout, -r, OM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT int timeout in seconds for HTTP requests to Ops Manager (default: 1800)
--skip-ssl-validation, -k, OM_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION bool skip ssl certificate validation during http requests (default: false)
--target, -t, OM_TARGET string location of the Ops Manager VM
--trace, -tr, OM_TRACE bool prints HTTP requests and response payloads
--username, -u, OM_USERNAME string admin username for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--version, -v bool prints the om release version (default: false)
OM_VARS_ENV string **EXPERIMENTAL** load vars from environment variables by specifying a prefix (e.g.: 'MY' to load MY_var=value)