An example of how you might use om
to install a product can be found here.
The example will show some configuration that could apply to installing the Elastic Runtime
on a vSphere Ops Manager.
Command | Description |
activate-certificate-authority | activates a certificate authority on the Ops Manager |
apply-changes | triggers an install on the Ops Manager targeted |
assign-multi-stemcell | assigns multiple uploaded stemcells to a product in the targeted Ops Manager 2.6+ |
assign-stemcell | assigns an uploaded stemcell to a product in the targeted Ops Manager |
available-products | list available products |
bosh-diff | EXPERIMENTAL displays BOSH manifest diff for the director and products |
bosh-env | prints bosh environment variables |
certificate-authorities | lists certificates managed by Ops Manager |
certificate-authority | prints requested certificate authority |
config-template | EXPERIMENTAL generates a config template from a Pivnet product |
configure-authentication | configures Ops Manager with an internal userstore and admin user account |
configure-director | configures the director |
configure-ldap-authentication | configures Ops Manager with LDAP authentication |
configure-opsman | configures values present on the Ops Manager settings page |
configure-product | configures a staged product |
configure-saml-authentication | configures Ops Manager with SAML authentication |
create-certificate-authority | creates a certificate authority on the Ops Manager |
create-vm-extension | creates/updates a VM extension |
credential-references | list credential references for a deployed product |
credentials | fetch credentials for a deployed product |
curl | issues an authenticated API request |
delete-certificate-authority | deletes a certificate authority on the Ops Manager |
delete-installation | deletes all the products on the Ops Manager targeted |
delete-product | deletes an unused product from the Ops Manager |
delete-ssl-certificate | deletes certificate applied to Ops Manager |
delete-unused-products | deletes unused products on the Ops Manager targeted |
deployed-manifest | prints the deployed manifest for a product |
deployed-products | lists deployed products |
diagnostic-report | reports current state of your Ops Manager |
disable-director-verifiers | disables director verifiers |
disable-product-verifiers | disables product verifiers |
download-product | downloads a specified product file from Pivotal Network |
errands | list errands for a product |
expiring-certificates | lists expiring certificates from the Ops Manager targeted |
export-installation | exports the installation of the target Ops Manager |
generate-certificate-authority | generates a certificate authority on the Opsman |
generate-certificate | generates a new certificate signed by Ops Manager's root CA |
help | prints this usage information |
import-installation | imports a given installation to the Ops Manager targeted |
installation-log | output installation logs |
installations | list recent installation events |
interpolate | interpolates variables into a manifest |
pending-changes | checks for pending changes |
pre-deploy-check | checks completeness and validity of product configuration |
product-metadata | prints product metadata |
regenerate-certificates | deletes all non-configurable certificates in Ops Manager so they will automatically be regenerated on the next apply-changes |
revert-staged-changes | This command reverts the staged changes already on an Ops Manager. |
ssl-certificate | gets certificate applied to Ops Manager |
stage-product | stages a given product in the Ops Manager targeted |
staged-config | generates a config from a staged product |
staged-director-config | generates a config from a staged director |
staged-manifest | prints the staged manifest for a product |
staged-products | lists staged products |
tile-metadata | DEPRECATED prints product metadata. Use product-metadata instead |
unstage-product | unstages a given product from the Ops Manager targeted |
update-ssl-certificate | DEPRECATED updates the SSL Certificate on the Ops Manager. Use configure-opsman instead. |
upload-product | uploads a given product to the Ops Manager targeted |
upload-stemcell | uploads a given stemcell to the Ops Manager targeted |
version | prints the om release version |
OM will by preference use Client ID and Client Secret if provided. To create a Client ID and Client Secret
uaac target https://YOUR_OPSMANAGER/uaa
uaac token sso get
if using SAML oruaac token owner get
if using internal auth. Specify the Client ID asopsman
and leave Client Secret blank.- Generate a client ID and secret
uaac client add -i
New client secret: DESIRED_PASSWORD
Verify new client secret: DESIRED_PASSWORD
scope (list): opsman.admin
authorized grant types (list): client_credentials
authorities (list): opsman.admin
access token validity (seconds): 43200
refresh token validity (seconds): 43200
redirect uri (list):
autoapprove (list):
signup redirect url (url):