The configure-authentication
command will allow you to setup your user account on the Ops Manager with the internal userstore mechanism.
To set up your Ops Manager with SAML authentication instead, use configure-saml-authentication
This unauthenticated command helps setup the internal userstore authentication mechanism for your Ops Manager.
om [options] configure-authentication [<args>]
--config, -c string path to yml file for configuration (keys must match the following command line flags)
--decryption-passphrase, -dp, OM_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE string (required) passphrase used to encrypt the installation
--http-proxy-url string proxy for outbound HTTP network traffic
--https-proxy-url string proxy for outbound HTTPS network traffic
--no-proxy string comma-separated list of hosts that do not go through the proxy
--password, -p, OM_PASSWORD string (required) admin password
--precreated-client-secret string create a UAA client on the Ops Manager vm. The client_secret will be the value provided to this option
--username, -u, OM_USERNAME string (required) admin username
--var, -v string (variadic) load variable from the command line. Format: VAR=VAL
--vars-env, OM_VARS_ENV string (variadic) **EXPERIMENTAL** load vars from environment variables by specifying a prefix (e.g.: 'MY' to load MY_var=value)
--vars-file, -l string (variadic) load variables from a YAML file
Global Flags:
--ca-cert, OM_CA_CERT string OpsManager CA certificate path or value
--client-id, -c, OM_CLIENT_ID string Client ID for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--client-secret, -s, OM_CLIENT_SECRET string Client Secret for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--connect-timeout, -o, OM_CONNECT_TIMEOUT int timeout in seconds to make TCP connections (default: 10)
--decryption-passphrase, -d, OM_DECRYPTION_PASSPHRASE string Passphrase to decrypt the installation if the Ops Manager VM has been rebooted (optional for most commands)
--env, -e string env file with login credentials
--help, -h bool prints this usage information (default: false)
--password, -p, OM_PASSWORD string admin password for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--request-timeout, -r, OM_REQUEST_TIMEOUT int timeout in seconds for HTTP requests to Ops Manager (default: 1800)
--skip-ssl-validation, -k, OM_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION bool skip ssl certificate validation during http requests (default: false)
--target, -t, OM_TARGET string location of the Ops Manager VM
--trace, -tr, OM_TRACE bool prints HTTP requests and response payloads
--username, -u, OM_USERNAME string admin username for the Ops Manager VM (not required for unauthenticated commands)
--version, -v bool prints the om release version (default: false)
OM_VARS_ENV string **EXPERIMENTAL** load vars from environment variables by specifying a prefix (e.g.: 'MY' to load MY_var=value)