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Baseline Feature Completeness

No due date 63% complete

Support every kind of operation expected from a full-blown crypto provider in decreasing order of priority:

  1. ASN.1 (low-level abstractions, parsing, encoding, construction, high-level encoding) in the crypto context (i.e. no ANS.1 REAL, etc.)
  2. Signing+Verifying
    • EC (NIST curves)
    • RSA (PKCS#1, PSS)
  3. HW-backed crypto on iOS + Android
    • Biometric Auth
    • Passp…

Support every kind of operation expected from a full-blown crypto provider in decreasing order of priority:

  1. ASN.1 (low-level abstractions, parsing, encoding, construction, high-level encoding) in the crypto context (i.e. no ANS.1 REAL, etc.)
  2. Signing+Verifying
    • EC (NIST curves)
    • RSA (PKCS#1, PSS)
  3. HW-backed crypto on iOS + Android
    • Biometric Auth
    • Passphrase-based Auth
    • Attestation support
  4. Symmetric Encryption/Decryption
    • AES-CBC
    • AES-GCM
  5. Key Agreement
    • ECDH
  6. Asymmetric Encryption/Decryption
    • RSA
  7. Key Wrapping
    • AES key wrapping
  8. KDF/KSF
    • HKDF
    • PBKDF2
    • Scrypt
  9. MAC
    • HMAC-SHA1
    • HMAC-SHA{256-512}

This is not about supporting specific algorithms, paddings, etc, but to have all interfaces ready, with at least a single algorithm being usable across all targets
