Driver for Realtek 802.11n USB wireless chips, which is backported from linux mainline
Click here to display a list of supported chips
RTL8188GU | RTL8188RU
RTL8191CU | RTL8192CU
RTL8192EU | RTL8192FU
RTL8723AU | RTL8723BU
If your usb wifi adapter is based on a RTL8188GU or RTL8192FU chip, you may need to
use the command
to switch it to "Wifi Mode" first -
Install gcc, make, linux-headers, dkms and other packages required to build this module
Build and install the module
In a traditional way
make clean modules && sudo make install
In a DKMS way (Recommended)
sudo dkms install $PWD
For Arch-based Linux distro users
Install the rtl8xxxu-dkms-git package from AUR.
Install firmware for RTL8188EU/RTL8188FU/RTL8188GU/RTL8192EU/RTL8192FU chips (Optional)
sudo make install_fw
Load the module
sudo modprobe rtl8xxxu_git
Supported linux kernel version: 5.5.x ~ 6.13.x
Tested on the following linux distros and it works fine.
Arch Linux (kernel version: 6.6.62-1-lts)
Debian 11.10 (kernel version: 5.10.0-33-amd64 / 6.1.0-0.deb11.21-amd64)
Linux Mint 20.3 (kernel version: 5.15.0-124-generic)
Thanks to all the maintainers of this kernel module!
No warranty, use at your own risk.