Final Project of Bootcamp | Habit Builder App
#Jonathan's change notes 6/13/2019
-created client folder
-removed any folders associated with "create-react-app" from root directory, and moved them into the "client" folder
-separated the express package.json from the react package.json
Setup scripts in the package.json of the express server so: -"npm start" will run nodemon on the express server, -it will cd into the "client" folder and start up the react application -When saving with nodemon, it will only auto-reload the backend, and not the react application.
*This will prevent react from having to re-render the entire application any time an adjustment is made in the backend.
#Mei's Homepage Content 6/21/2019
<div class="step1">
Crushin’it lets you develop long term habits that help growth and get more done.
Crushin’it’s checking-in method enables you to focus on the process of building habits daily instead of the results. This makes it a lasting change. Don't punish yourself for missing, reward yourself for achieving.
<img scr="builder-hard-hat.png" alt="Construction worker icon">
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<h2 class="step2-option">
How to Build Long Term Habits
Studies have said most people build a longer term habit in 66 days.
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Process Oriented
Building long term habits means being okay with admitting you missed a day. Focus on building the process. Successful people
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<img src="results-truck.png" alt="truck with 3 stacks">
Results Oriented
If you're motivated by seeing results, we recommend you use the 3 sets of 21 days method. This way if you miss a check-in you'll have a chance to reset. This is a useful technique when utilizing habits.
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Start being your best self today!
Change happens by checking in daily. Let us help with that.
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