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Noisepy is a collection of all my glitch art scripts organized as a Python module. I will update the project with new methods as soon as I get the code in a human-readble-like way.
Initialy, the main goal is to develop a Python 3 module with generic transformation methods, which can be loaded with another python tools. Thus, it will be part of a broader development-creative environment for glitch artists
May the 4th be with you: I'm migrating the code to a new archtecture, and it is not completed. However, I commited for registering each step. So the last changeset is broken.
Check if Python 3.5 is installed on your system. Virtualenv will install the last Python 3.5 version available, and noisepy should work smoothly.
If Python 3.5 is not installed and you can't or don't want to install it, you should specify that you want Python 3.5 on the virtualenv creation.
$ python3 -m venv noisepy-env
$ . noisepy-env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ chmod +x src/noisepy.py
You only need to do the last step, chmod +x
, if you want to use noisepy
from the command line or inside bash scrips.
The following image will be noisepy-ed to illustrate the usage example:
Amplifying the green channel by a factor of 2
from the command line:
$ cd src/
$ ./noisepy -c g -a 2 ../images/veneza.jpg ../glitch/glitched-images.jpg
The Help output was developed using argparse and it only outputs
implemented features. Thus, it should be incremented in each step.
So far, only amplify was added to the module, so the help,
-h or --help
, output looks like:
usage: noisepy.py [-h] [-a AMPGAIN] [-c {r,g,b} [{r,g,b} ...]]
input_path output_path
positional arguments:
input_path Target image path
output_path Output file path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a AMPGAIN, --ampgain AMPGAIN
Amplifier gain
-c {r,g,b} [{r,g,b} ...], --colors {r,g,b} [{r,g,b} ...]
Color plane(s): RGB
All the photos in /images
and /glitched
were shot and edited
by me and they are distributed under the same copyleft license
than the code, GPL.