Created an end to end web application using MEAN Stack. (Angular 4)
After you clone this repository and run the below command
npm install
Open two terminals, One to start the front end, One to start the backend
npm start
Front end will run on http://localhost:4200/
nodemon server.js
Server will run on port 3100
- Login / Register using Passport.js
- Allows social meadia login for Facebook and Google
- Used Flickr API which allows the user to search for images
- Image upload functionality where the user can select a file from local machine and store it in the database and the folder on the server
- User can drag and sort the widgets created
- Integrated textAngular which is a WYSIWYG Text Editor
View the application here:
- Angular 4
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- CSS3
- jQuery
- JavaScript
- Rest API
- Passport.js