The Recipe Manager is a web application built with React that enables users to manage their recipes. Users can add, view, edit, and delete recipes through an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
Table of Contents
Installation Usage Contributing License Features
User Authentication: Secure sign up, login, and logout functionality for users. Only authenticated users can perform CRUD operations on recipes.
Recipe Management: Create new recipes by providing titles, ingredients, instructions, and optional categories/tags. View a list of all recipes and display their details upon selection. Edit existing recipes, including titles, ingredients, instructions, and categories/tags. Delete recipes as needed.
Search and Filter: Implement search functionality to find recipes by title or categories/tags. Enable filtering of recipes based on categories/tags.
Responsive User Interface: Develop a responsive UI for seamless use on both desktop and mobile devices. Technologies Used
React.js JavaScript library for building the user interface.
React Router For managing different views/pages within the app.
Node.js with Express - For backend server setup.
MongoDB - For storing recipe data.
To set up the Recipe Manager locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone <repository_url>
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd recipe-project
install dependencies:
- install backend dependencies.
cd backend npm install
- install frontend dependencies.
cd ../frontend npm install
- Run the server:
cd backend
npm run start
- Run the frontend:
cd frontend
npm run dev
start the backend server concurrently.
Build the production-ready frontend:
npm run build
Contributions are welcome! 👋🏻
- Safeer khan
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Happy coding 🚀🚀