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Lil' Torrent is just a p2p app that allows you to download an play some music shared and owned by other users.
The app was developed in
- C++ as a main language
and this libraries:
- SFML 2.1
The main componets are:
Tracker (aka. Broker) Is the central component of the architecture. Its function is just know who has what music. to launch it: ./Broker [Port to listen to the peers]
Peer Is something that works as a client and a server at the same time. The peers have the music and they are in charge of sending them to the requesters. To launch it: ./CLient [Ip Broker] [Port where the broker is listen to the peers] [Client ip] [Puerto para la escucha] Temp [an int]
Temp = is the directory where the music is stored by default