TDD based GoLang learning based on the book Learn Go with Tests.
Follow my journey at My Blog
Here are the chapters.
- Hello World, because new language.
- Integers, because essential.
- Iteration, because arthritis.
- Arrays and Slices, because confusion.
- Structs, methods & interfaces, because OOP.
- Pointers & errors, because Memory.
- Maps, because efficient.
- Dependency Injection, because decoupling.
- Mocking, because fast.
- Concurrency, because multithreading.
- Select, because racing.
- Reflection, because necessary evil.
- Sync, because resource locks.
- Context, because cancellation.
- Intro to property based tests, because domain.
- Maths, because reality.
- Reading files, because IO.
- Templating, because HTML.
- Generics, because DRY.
- Revisiting arrays and slices with generics, because HOF.
- Introduction to acceptance tests, because black box testing.
- Scaling acceptance tests, because Dockerize.
- Working without mocks, because Fakes.
- Refactoring Checklist, because Better Design.
- Build An Application, because cool.
I thank everyone who supported me in this journey.