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This is the backend REST API for the weekplanner branch of the GIRAF project. The weekplanner API uses Microsoft's .NET 8 architecture with a modern MinimalAPI setup. It also includes a containerized PostgreSql database.

Get Started

  1. Download and install .NET 8 from:

  2. Install Microsoft Entity Framework:

    dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
  3. Download and install Docker Desktop from:

  4. Launch the API from the weekplanner-api directory:

    docker compose up

Production Environment

The production environment uses a different build process from the development environment. To run the production environment, call:

docker compose -f up --build

Update the Database

If you make changes to entities or DTOs, make sure to update the database:

  1. Add a new migration
    dotnet ef migrations add Your_Migration_Name_Here --output-dir Data\Migrations
  2. Update the database
    dotnet ef database update