Sometimes, when you deploying remote application, you may want to automatically associate file with the remote application on all computers in the domain.
With this script you can deploy easily all modification to the registry to associate automatically your file with your remote app. This script is made to work with RDSH. It's created in order to deploy on many Windows Server in production through GPO to use with RDSH, also fix when you have problem with the icon of your distant program.
If you want to use this script you have to get some informations, example for Project 2016 :
- Name of the applicationExample 2016 (Work Resources)
- Alternative Name
If you want to do a backup before using this script :
reg export HKCU\Software\Classes $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\rapp-backup.reg
Remember that you have to change the -Application
, -ApplicationValue
variables and $extensions
On a computer who already have the remote app deployed you can find the name of the remote application in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\
, it's the folder prefixed by RAPP
You can find the alternative name in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\RAPP.MSPROJECT\shell\open\command
at the end of the default item value for example.
You have to declare the list of wich extension you want to associate with the remote app.
$extensions = @(".jpg",".png")
Deploy for MSProject 2016 :
function main {
$extensions = @(".mpd",".mpp",".mpt",".mpw",".mpx")
deployApplication -Path "HKCU:Software\Classes\" -Application "RAPP.MSPROJECT" -ApplicationValue "Project 2016 (Work Resources)" -Extension $extensions
return 0 | Out-Null
Deploy for MSAccess 2013 :
function main {
$extensions = @(".accdb",".accdc",".accde",".accdr",".accdt",".accdu",".accdw", `
".ade",".adn",".adp",".mad",".maf",".mag",".mam",".mar",".mas",".mau",".mav",".maw", `
deployApplication -Path "HKCU:Software\Classes\" -Application "RAPP.MSACCESS" -ApplicationValue "Access 2013 (Work Resources)" -Extension $extensions
return 0 | Out-Null
For clean output (hide error), uncomment
-erroraction 'silentlycontinue'
at the end of the lines.
You can copy the shortcut to the remote app on the user desktop. I've created another little function to do that :
function createShortcut {
param (
$shortcutPath = $env:USERPROFILE + '\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Work Resources (RADC)\' + $Application + '.lnk'
$copyPath = $env:USERPROFILE + '\Desktop\' + $Application + '.lnk'
Copy-Item $shortcutPath $copyPath
You have to add the function to the script and just call it from the deployApplication
function :
createShortcut -Application $applicationValue