This is my summer 2017 research project covering the creation of a simulation to model cellular fracture. The project has produced a research paper that has been submitted to the journal Nanoscale.
For more information on the project, please check out the info folder on my github.
This project consisted of implementing concepts of cellular automata. A common implementation of cellular automata can in conways game of life (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2vgICfQawE). This video may be a little more intense than what it's worth.... This project also implements various programming techniques, such as priority queues, dynamic programming, mod arithmetic, recursion, etc.
Please feel free to ask me any questions in regard. I will be delighted to ask.
I recieved a University issued scholarship-grant to complete this project, "Kuehler Research Grant." This research was a collaborated effort between Professor Michael J. Taylor of Santa Clara University and Irep Gozen of Centre of Molecular Medidicine Norway. However, the code development was completed entirely by I.