Website: https://sites.google.com/view/mediqa2024/mediqa-corr
MEDIQA-CORR@Codabench: https://www.codabench.org/competitions/1900
This task addresses the problem of identifying and correcting (common sense) medical errors in clinical notes. From a human perspective, these errors require medical expertise and knowledge to be both identified and corrected.
Each clinical text is either correct or contains one error. The task consists in: (a) predicting the error flag (1: the text contains an error, 0: the text has no errors), and for flagged texts (with error): (b) extracting the sentence that contains the error, and (c) generating a corrected sentence.
- The MS Training Set contains 2,189 clinical texts.
- The MS Validation Set (#1) contains 574 clinical texts.
- The UW Validation Set (#2) contains 160 clinical texts.
- The test will include clinical texts from the MS and UW collections.
- The test set will contain the following 3 items: Text ID | Text | Sentences
The submission format should follow the data format and consists of:
[Text ID] [Error Flag] [Error sentence ID or -1 for texts without errors] [Corrected sentence or NA for texts without errors]
- text-id-1 0 -1 NA
- text-id-2 1 8 "correction of sentence 8..."
- text-id-3 1 6 "correction of sentence 6..."
- text-id-4 0 -1 NA
- text-id-5 1 15 "correction of sentence 15..."
We use the following evaluation metrics:
- Accuracy for Error Flag Prediction (subtask A) and Error Sentence Detection (subtask B)
- NLG metrics: ROUGE, BERTScore, BLEURT, their Aggregate-Score (Mean of ROUGE-1-F, BERTScore, BLEURT-20), and their Composite Scores for the evaluation of Sentence Correction (subtask C).
- The Composite score is the mean of individual scores computed as follows for each text:
- 1 point if both the system correction and the reference correction are "NA"
- 0 point if only one of the system or the reference is "NA"
- NLG metrics value in [0, 1] range (e.g., ROUGE, BERTScore, BLEURT or Aggregate-Score) if both the system correction and reference correction are non-"NA" sentences.
- Aggregate score is the main evaluation score to rank the participating systems.
- The Composite score is the mean of individual scores computed as follows for each text:
Evaluation scripts: https://github.com/abachaa/MEDIQA-CORR-2024/tree/main/evaluation
- The first evaluation script computes Accuracy, ROUGE, and ROUGE-Composite scores:
- Error Flag Accuracy (subtask A)
- Error Sentence Detection Accuracy (subtask B)
- NLG Metrics (subtask C): ROUGE-1-F, ROUGE-2-F, ROUGE-L-F, ROUGE-1-F-Composite, ROUGE-2-F-Composite, ROUGE-L-F-Composite.
- Composite score computation: ROUGE on sentence vs. sentence cases + ones or zeros when either the reference or the candidate correction is NA.
2. The second evaluation script computes Accuracy, ROUGE/BERTScore/BLEURT, Aggregate-Score and their Composite scores:
- Error Flag Accuracy (subtask A)
- Error Sentence Detection Accuracy (subtask B)
- NLG Metrics (subtask C):
- ROUGE-1-F, ROUGE-2-F, ROUGE-L-F, BERTScore (microsoft/deberta-xlarge-mnli), BLEURT-20
- ROUGE-1-F-Composite, ROUGE-2-F-Composite, ROUGE-L-F-Composite, BERTScore-Composite, BLEURT-20-Composite
- Aggregate-Score (main score to rank the participating systems): Mean of ROUGE-1-F, BERTScore, BLEURT-20 (correlates better with human judgments; cf. our ACL Findings 2023 paper on evaluation metrics https://aclanthology.org/2023.findings-acl.161.pdf
- Aggregate-Composite
MEDIQA-NLP mailing list: https://groups.google.com/g/mediqa-nlp Email: [email protected]
- Asma Ben Abacha, Microsoft, USA
- Wen-wai Yim, Microsoft, USA
- Meliha Yetisgen, University of Washington, USA
- Fei Xia, University of Washington, USA