This research uses a variety of models, such as the Defuant Model and the Ising Model, to mimic opinion dynamics within populations. It also has capability for simulating social networks to depict interpersonal relationships.
- matplotlib
- numpy
- argparse
Ising Model: This model represents agents as spins on a lattice and uses statistical mechanics to simulate opinion dynamics. Defuant Model: This model seeks to explain how people with different viewpoints interact with one another in order to determine if polarisation or consensus forms.
running: python -ising_model (default model) followed by -external and -alpha for adjusting parameters.
testing: python3 -test_ising
- to run : use flag -defuant to run the model with defualt parameters of beta = 0.2, threshold = 0.2 .
- add flags -beta and -threshold after the previous command to configure the model parameters, where beta and threshold are floats from 0 to 1.
- use flag -test_defuant to run the automated model test.
- the population (number of opinions) of each iteration is fixed at 25.
- To run/test: -test network -network N where N is an integer representing the size of the random network that will be created ( number of nodes it will have )
- Fixed probability of connection of 0.5.
- In order forr the results of the 3 functions to be printed, the plotted graph tab should be closed.
- To get the visualization of ring network of a given size use the following code in the GitHub repository: Python -ring_network 20
- To get the visualization of small world network with a re_wire probability very low, use the following code: Python -small_world 20 -re_wire 0.00001
- To get a small world network visualization with a default probability of 0.2 use the following code: Python -small_world 20
- To get a small world network visualization with a probability very high use the following code: Python -small_world 20 -re_wire 0.98
- These flags are case sensitive and they should be used as specified in the code examples.Probability should be between 0 and 1.
- the defuant model (task 2) was chosen here for modification to accept network objects
- to run : use flags -defuant folowed by -use_network N where N is the number of nodes in the network
- node connection probability is fixed at 0.5