CodeIgniter Skeleton (CIS) is a decent starting point for most web apps. It provides you with additional back-end stuffs that were missing from the framework itself (HMVC, template control, authentication...), common front-end plugins (jQuery, Bootstrap...) and well-organized code structures.
CIS is also a great experience for CI-based developments to ajaxify modules. It mainly focuses on defining elegant ways to make ajaxified components rapidly. Its core libraries, which are a tight connection between back-end and front-end, are based on 3 principles:
- A single web page should be broken down into small pieces which are called pagelets.
- A pagelet is a set of self-contained MVC and Javascript functions that should be loaded independently via normal page render or ajax request render.
- An ajax response handler should be defined or be registered right on the server-side to be managed easily.
- CodeIgniter 2.1.4 (last updated: Jul 8, 2013)
- Modular Extensions - HMVC 5.4 (last updated: Jul 31, 2013)
- jQuery 1.10.2 (last updated: Jul 3, 2013)
- Bootstrap 3.0 (last updated: Aug 19, 2013)
- Not include Glyphicons
- Ion Auth 2.5 (last updated: Jul 15, 2013)
- Not include Mongodb model
- Customized controller to use with HMVC and CIS Template library
- Use as an independent alias
- jQuery File Upload 8.8.7 (last updated: Oct 8, 2013)
- Be able to load in an independent pagelet via
- Use
helper function to get URL of Javascript, CSS or image resource - Folder structure:
{$module}.css // Extra CSS for a specific module
bootstrap.min.css // Bootstrap core CSS
main.css // CSS for all pages
{$module}.js // Extra JS for a specific module
jquery-1.10.2.min.js // jQuery core JS
html5shiv.js, respond.min.js // IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries
jquery.fileupload.js // jQuery File Upload plugin (blueimp),
// including jQuery UI Widget and jQuery Iframe Transport
plugins.js // Extra JS plugins for all pages,
// including window.console wrapper and Bootstrap
main.js // JS for all pages
By default, you will be albe to check all features on the welcome page without doing any of the following instructions. Just unzip the package and put the source code in your server.
- Set your base URL in
file. Example:$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/ciske/';
. - Set your assets URL in
file. Example:$config['assets_url'] = 'http://localhost/ciske/assets/';
. - Setup the
Ion Auth
library (if you don't want to use this library, remove it fromautoload
config): - Run SQL script in
file (admin login account:[email protected]
). - Set your database settings in
file. - Edit your encryption key in
file. - Customize the library config in
CodeIgniter Nginx Rewrite Rules
class Welcome extends MY_Controller {
// URL: {$site_url}/welcome/example
public function example()
// The below function is as same as $this->load->view('welcome/example')
// but its output will be placed inside a base view (masterview)
Base view is located at application/views/base_view.php
. It is a well-designed HTML page with an empty body that is based on Bootstrap
and HTML5 Boilerplate template.
Use other methods of the Template
library to customize base view: set_layout
, set_title
, set_description
, add_metadata
, add_js
, add_css
// Must extend MY_Controller to use HMVC Modular Extensions
class Welcome extends MY_Controller {
// Pagelet should have prefix _pagelet_
public function _pagelet_example()
Use Modules::run('welcome/_pagelet_example')
to get the pagelet HTML output.
$this->_load_script('$(function() {
console.log("The DOM is loaded.");
If pagelet is rendered via a normal page load, the script will be queued. Queued scripts will be executed by the code inside main.js
when the file was loaded.
If pagelet is rendered via an ajax request, the script will be executed immediately because all of the core Javascript files were already loaded. If you want to add extra files, see CIS.Script.require()
function in the following section.
You can also write Javascript directly inside the pagelet view but it is not recommended.
Lengthy script should be packed in a Javascript file but its starting function should be called here.
CIS.Script.require('{$js_file_path}', function() {
console.log("Plugins are loaded.");
$(function() {
console.log("The DOM is loaded.");
Via links: <a href="#" rel="async" ajaxify="{$ajax_url}">...</a>
Via forms: <form rel="async" action="{$ajax_url}">...</form>
Via Javascript function: CIS.Ajax.request('{$ajax_url}'[, settings])
// Should extend Ajax_Controller to use the Response library
class Example_ajax extends Ajax_Controller {
// URL: {$site_url}/ajax/example_ajax/example
function example()
// The request must be called via rel="async" or CIS.Ajax.request function
// to be able to execute the script after the request was successful
$this->response->script('console.log("Request completed.");');
Use alert
, confirm
and dialog
functions of the Response
library to display dialog in client-side.
Lengthy script should be packed in a Javascript file but its starting function should be called here.
This is an example of using CIS to make a function that can handle both normal and ajax requests. It is also an example to help you distinguishing between page and pagelet to organize source code in the right way.
By default, login form should be accessible everywhere via a dialog and should use ajax to show errors instead of reloading an entire page. But if there is something wrong, the form can also be displayed in a single page or using regular submit without any Javascript needed.
Check the login
function, which was located at application/modules/auth/controllers/auth.php
, for more details.