Mkhosi is shortened from “Hlaba umkhosi” which comes from the isiZulu language of South Africa which has multiple meanings including to send an SOS or to call for help or assistance or the clarion call. On its own, “Mkhosi” can mean a ceremony or festival as well as an army battalion.
Applying this name to the App is because when you run a small business on your own, there are times when you feel like you need an army to assist you just to get through the daily tasks and to make sense of the do’s and don’ts of running your business. With that, when you have success, it does feel like there is a cause for a celebration, a festival. Our hope is that Mkhosi is able to support you in your journey to a sustainable business, being the support, you need when the going gets tough and the community that is always there to celebrate with you when the plan falls into place.