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Central Repository for Combine Harvester models and running scripts

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Central Repository for Combine Harvester models and running scripts


This repository is designed to go in as a module, or just straight cloned into an existing CMS Combine Harvester respository. Please see here for instructions on setting up the original respository. Once a Combine Harvester repository has been setup, this repository can be set up with the following steps:

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/CombineHarvester/
git clone
cd Run2HTT_Combine/
scram b

In addition many elements of this repository will look in a specific directory called "auxiliaries/shapes/" to find input. These directories must be placed in the src directory of the current CMSSW environment. Create these directories with:

cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/
mkdir auxiliaries
cd auxiliaries/
mkdir shapes



Contains models for individual years and channels. Each model is it's own seperate combine harvester code, named SMHTT[Year]_[Channel].cpp Each of these models must be built before running, and all should have several common features. Each can take 5 running options, passing -s will disable all shape uncertainties in the model for debugging, -e will disable the use of the embedded distribution and related uncertainties , 0b will disable the use of CombineHarvester's Bin-By-Bin uncertainties (please note, this option is default in, -g will disable STXS split ggH processes and only use an inclusive ggH distribution, and -q will disable STXS split qqh processes and will only use inclusive qqH processes. There is also an option called --Categories which takes any number of options after it, and it will attempt to load these categories from the file. Each looks for a file named "smh[year][channel(mt,tt,etc.)].root" in the shapes folder to run on.


Contains the definitions of some helper classes and functions:

  • InputParserUtility.h: contains the definition for a simple option parsing utility I found online. Use this to read options for models in /bin/
  • UtilityFunctions.h: contains code for the helper function AddShapeIfNotEmpty(). Combine will throw errors if empty signal processes and shapes are added (which can happen with low stats STXS bins in certain categories) so AddShapeIfNotEmpty() attempts to only add shapes if to processes if it can demonstrate at least one of distributions, up, down, or nominal is not empty.


contains some source code used by helper functions.


contains modules used by the master fit running script

  • This modules contains a class which will mark up the datacard with groups and then calculate the uncertainty of a measurement split into Unc=Statistics+Systematics+Bin-By-Bin errors.


This directory largely contains one off scripts used for preparing certain aspects of the data cards before any expected fits are run:

(use --help to see options with these)

  • A complicated algorithm I wrote to try merging low stats bins to end up with all bin uncertainties < 30%. It affects sensitivities too much and so is no longer used, but contains some useful code.

  • A simple macro using regexes to try and make copies of distributions with year tags attached for use in correllating/decorrellating shapes in combine harvester models. Has a --TrimYears option for removing the years from histograms, instead of adding them if necessary

  • The now in use merging algorithm. It uses regexes to match categories and distributions, and simply halves the number of bins the last three slices of the Zero Jet PTH 0-10 category, and in the last slice of the VBF PTH GE 200 Category

  • A simple shape smoothing tool used for smoothing out bad statistics in shape uncertainties. If it finds more than half the bins of a slice are the same between up and nominal or down and nominal shapes, it smooths out the ncertaintiy over all bins. It takes a large number of arguments to make sure it has all the right bins and slices, please run with --help to see all required options.

This is the main tool used for extracting expected fits. It takes a moderate number of options, use --help to see them in shell.

  • Main Options

    • --years accepts 2016, 2017 and or 2018. Lists all years and models to be run as a part of this fit. Will attempt to make data cards for all of these years.
    • --channels currently accepts mt (mu tau), et (e tau), or tt (tau tau) and defines the channels to make datacards and run models for
  • Other Options

    • --DisableCategoryFits Disables fits done based on analysis categories, currently recommended for any measurement which goes across channels, or where the cards fed to combine don't contain similarly named directories.
    • --RunShapeless Disables shape uncertainties in all models.
    • --RunWithBinByBin Reenables bin by bin uncertainties in the code. This should be run with --RunWithoutAutoMCStats
    • --RunWithoutAutoMCStats Disables autoMCStats in the data cards.
    • --RunInclusiveggH Uses the inclusive ggH distribution, and does not attemp to do any STXS fitting
    • --RunInclusiveqqH Same as the above, but for qqH
    • --ComputeSignificance less used option, disables a large number of fits, and just attempts to compute the significance of the main inclusive workspace/fit
    • --ComputeImpacts Computes the impacts for the Inclusive POI
    • --Timeout Terminate combine commands after 3 minutes
    • --SplitUncertainties Creates and calls an uncertainty splitter to make sure data cards are grouped in such a way that they can call the prototype uncertainty splits later. The splitter can try and split measurements into an Unc=Stat+Syst+Bin-By-Bin format.
    • --SplitInclusive The inclusive signal strength measurement will attempt to split the inlusive signal strength measurement. Requires that --SplitUncertainties has been called.
    • --SplitSignals The splitter will attemp to measure the ggH,qqH,WH and ZH measurements split into Unc=Stat+Syst+Bin-By-Bin. Requires that --SplitUncertainties has been called.
    • --SplitSTXS The splitter will attemp to measure the ggH and qqH STXS bin measurements split into Unc=Stat+Syst+Bin-By-Bin. Requires that --SplitUncertainties has been called.

    To try and keep output seperate, and archived, and the main directory clean, each time this script is run, it will generate a tag with the date, and a random string assigned to it. All output of the script can be found in HTT_Output (it will make this directory if it is not already present) in a directory called Output_[Date]_[String Tag].

    This contains a few dictionaries in {"Category_Name":"Directory_Loaded_From_File"} format to define what categories the script will look to try to load from the files. Please edit this if you are changing how the channels will run.

    This contains year and channel combinations and whether the model will attempt to run using embedded distributions and uncertainties or not. Please modify this if your year and channel has embedded distributions available.

This is kind of plug-in of

If you save printed output of as a file, help you to print out limits in orgarnized table form.

For example, Sorted Output

  • How to run
    • Run as usual but add > outputTxtFile.txt to save print.
    • Extract limits lines only. awk '/%/' outputTxtFile.txt > limitExtracted.txt
    • To run the script, python limitExtracted.txt


My typical workflow looks something like this:

  1. I make root files with distributions, that include STXS split and inclusive ggH and qqH distributions in them in case I want to run on inclusive or STXS split distributions for any reason.
  2. Before they can be run on, these files must be Decorrellated.
  3. Once the root files are properly prepared, they can be put in the auxiliaries/shapes/ directory.
  4. Once all root files have been prepared this way, can be used to extract expected uncertainties across all parameters

Adding your own code

All added models should be added to the bin directory and added into the buildfile. can be modified to then run this model too, but it should take all standard options I have mentioned here. This repository is not an exhaustive system by any means, so any improvements are welcome.

--Andrew Loeliger

Prefit plot code

  • This is contained in 2 files: and

  • You only need to edit the FileMap in for running the code in your own workspaces. FileMap has the default locations where the code will look for input.

How to run :

  • Main Options

  • --years accepts 2016, 2017 and/or 2018.

  • --channels currently accepts mt (mu tau), et (e tau), em (e mu) or tt (tau tau)

  • --inputFile the path to the input root file that contains the hisograms.

  • Other Options

  • higgsSF provides the Scale Factor for the SM-Higgs signals. 1 is default

  • --prefix provides prefix for TDirectory holding histograms such as 'prefit_' or postfin_'. Default is ''

  • --isLog 1=TRUE, 0=FALSE. Do we want a log plot?

Example on how to run it:

python --channel mt --year 2017

(You will have to change the default address of the files stored in for above command to work. You may choose to provede --inputFile option in addition in which case you need not worry about


Central Repository for Combine Harvester models and running scripts






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  • C++ 55.3%
  • Python 44.7%