Entities: users, users wallets, exchange rates, transactions.
Currencies : USD, BTC, ETH, DOGE, LTC (you can choose any 4 cryptocurrencies instead of BTC, ETH, DOGE, LTC)
- Register/Authorize
- Create several wallets for any currency
- Search a wallet by user’s email and currency
- View wallets all info
- Edit custom name of a wallet
- Update cryptocurrency rates using API https://coinlayer.com and save those rates into the DB, through the Yii2 module creation
- View and edit rates of cryptocurrencies , that have been received by API . Also, the application must have the option to block/unblock updating of a rate for each currency
- Make a currency exchange form between wallets
- senders’ wallet,
- recipients’ wallet recipient,
- amount (currency of wallet-sender),
- display the amount in currency of wallet-recipient, in a currency of wallet-sender using ajax.
- Implement the selection of wallets in form with Select2 .
- View exchange-transactions history
Prepare your app as follows:
- Register 3 users
- Create a migration to top up usd-wallets with 1000 USD per each of previously mentioned 3 users.
- Provide an UML-diagram of the DB structure.
- Publish your application to any free hosting or be able to demonstrate it using TeamViewer from your local machine.
Keywords: Yii2 advanced, CRUD, PostgreSQL, CoinLayer API, Ajax, Select2, CSS Bootstrap, Yii2 GridView, Yii2 Gii generator, Yii2 migration
You could as signup as us existing users accounts:
- login: user1; password: [email protected]
- login: user2; password: [email protected]
- login: user3; password: [email protected]
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for developing complex Web applications with multiple tiers.
The template includes three tiers: front end, back end, and console, each of which is a separate Yii application.
The template is designed to work in a team development environment. It supports deploying the application in different environments.
Documentation is at docs/guide/README.md.
config/ contains shared configurations
mail/ contains view files for e-mails
models/ contains model classes used in both backend and frontend
tests/ contains tests for common classes
config/ contains console configurations
controllers/ contains console controllers (commands)
migrations/ contains database migrations
models/ contains console-specific model classes
runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
assets/ contains application assets such as JavaScript and CSS
config/ contains backend configurations
controllers/ contains Web controller classes
models/ contains backend-specific model classes
runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
tests/ contains tests for backend application
views/ contains view files for the Web application
web/ contains the entry script and Web resources
assets/ contains application assets such as JavaScript and CSS
config/ contains frontend configurations
controllers/ contains Web controller classes
models/ contains frontend-specific model classes
runtime/ contains files generated during runtime
tests/ contains tests for frontend application
views/ contains view files for the Web application
web/ contains the entry script and Web resources
widgets/ contains frontend widgets
vendor/ contains dependent 3rd-party packages
environments/ contains environment-based overrides