This repository allows you to run dog robots in the GAZEBO simulator. The robot can walk, rotate with 12 degrees of freedom, and features a robot_msgs
interface. The robot moves using inverse kinematics, and its odometry is based on direct kinematics. Additionally, all functionalities are developed in Python.
Note: Before launching, ensure that you install all dependencies and build the project using
colcon build
mkdir -p ~/go_sim/src
cd ~/go_sim/src
git clone .
cd ..
colcon build --symlink-install
cd ~/go_sim
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Before running the simulation, export the path to your Gazebo models:
export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH=~/go_sim/gazebo_sim/models
(Replace with the correct path to your models.)
To support multiple topics, configure CycloneDDS by creating a configuration file (e.g., cyclonedds.xml) with the following content:
<NetworkInterface name="lo" multicast="true" />
Then, set the environment variable to point to this file:
export CYCLONEDDS_URI=file://path_to_cyclonedds.xml
(Replace path_to_cyclonedds.xml
with the actual file path.)
#Navigate to the project directory:
cd ~/go_sim
#Source the environment setup:
source install/local_setup.bash
#Launch the simulation:
ros2 launch gazebo_sim
The robot moves by publishing velocity commands to the <robot_namespace>/cmd_vel
topic. By default, the robot is named robot1.
Example using teleop_twist_keyboard
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r /cmd_vel:=/robot1/cmd_vel
Robot Modes
The robot supports several modes:
REST – Default position in which the robot cannot move.
STAND – Mode in which the robot can rotate in place.
TROT – Walking mode.
The robot operates with 12 degrees of freedom. To enable rotation, switch the mode to "STAND" by publishing to the robot_mode topic.
Example (for a robot with namespace robot1
ros2 topic pub /robot1/robot_mode quadropted_msgs/msg/RobotModeCommand "{mode: 'STAND', robot_id: 1}"
After switching modes, control the robot using velocity commands:
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r /cmd_vel:=/robot1/cmd_vel
The robot can sit and stand using the robot_behavior_command
Example command:
ros2 service call /robot1/robot_behavior_command quadropted_msgs/srv/RobotBehaviorCommand "{command: 'walk'}"
Possible commands:
walk – The robot stands up (REST) and can walk (TROT).
up – The robot stands up (REST) and locks movement.
sit – The robot sits down (STAND).
You can change between robot models (e.g., go2, go1) in file 102 str:
for go2: use "go2_description" for go1: use "go1_description"
Running Multiple Robots Simultaneously
The repository supports simultaneous operation of multiple robots. Each robot has access to nav2. In the robot.config file, add the robot’s namespace and spawn coordinates in the world.
mike4192: (SpotMicro)[]
Unitree Robotics: (A1 ROS)[]
lnotspotl: (GitHub)[]
anujjain-dev: (Unitree-go2 ROS2)[]
Add Gazebo Classic support (physics and inertial parameters for URDF).
Perform odometry calibration