#TODO: documentation
Example for 10X data
$ nextflow run main.nf --input_csv <sampleSheet.csv> --gtf_file <ref_anno.gtf> --masked_repeats <rmsk.gtf> --out_dir <~/outdir/> --platform 10X -profile cluster,conda
Example for BD data
$ nextflow run main.nf --input_csv <sampleSheet.csv> --gtf_file <ref_anno.gtf> --masked_repeats <rmsk.gtf> --out_dir <~/outdir/> --platform BD -profile cluster,conda
--input_csv = path to the input CSV file (see below for details)
--gtf_file = path to GTF file (used for the creation of the BAM files)
--masked_repeats = path to the masked repeats file
--out_dir = path to the output directory
--publish_dir_mode = mode of publishDir directive (default: "copy")
--platform = [str: 10X/BD] choose the platform the samples were sequenced on (default: "")
--convert_loom = [str: true/false] renames the barcodes in the loom file according to the <cohort-sampleID-barcode> convention - this module is tested only on ICBI's CRC atlas datasets (default: "false")
--custom_loom_dir = if --confert_loom true
specify the ouput dir for the converted loom files
**Outpur directory
The pipeline will output the results in the /path/to/Sample.bam directory by default. You need to specify a directory through --out_dir otherwise.
CSV file (default settings)
- If you choose the
--platform 10X
you need to change the input CSV file to specify the cellranger directories instead of specific bam files (not tested yet)
CSV file (run_10x flag)