Automatically likes posts in a given list of tags and follows users, maintaining a maximum given number of followed users.
The bot will search through hashtag feeds and targetted users follower lists to find potential targets. It will predict followback confidence for each potential target, and prioritise following and liking those it predicts to be most likely to follow back (aiming to maximise 1-day followback rate).
A sub-directory should be made in the same directory as This should contain a YAML settings.yml file, as shown in the example directory. The bot's model data, it's sliding windows (to track likes/follows/unfollows done) and it's queue of followed users will be stored here.
For those interested, historical follower/following counts are recorded in <directory>/data/hist_data/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
searches for settings.yml
in current directory, and creates and populates a username
directory with data for the bot.
python3 <directory>
allows you to specify the directory instabot will search for settings.yml
in and use for data.