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Astar AMD Workshop


  1. Download and install the Anaconda python distribution, (python3 version, use 64bit unless your machine is old and only supports 32bit). The installation instructions are found here.

  2. Clone demo repository

    • Windows

      • Launch Anaconda Prompt
      • Type
        git clone
        and press enter (hereafter called "issue" command)
        • If the above command fails with error message 'git' is not recognized ..., you need to install git. One option is to use conda to install git: issue
          conda install -c anaconda git
          Alternatively, check here on installation instructions for git on Windows
      • Change directory by issuing
        cd AMDworkshop_demo
    • MacOS, Linux

      • Launch a terminal
      • Type
        git clone
        and press enter (hereafter called "issue" command)
        • MacOS: If you are using Mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra), you may get the error message: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools). In this case, reinstall xcode by issuing
          xcode-select --install
          and clone the repository again
      • Change directory by issuing
        cd Astar AMDworkshop_demo
  3. Install additional required packages

    • Note for MacOS/Linux machines: Check you are indeed using the anaconda binaries by issuing

      which python

      You should see outputs with something similar to /User/<your name>/anaconda3/bin/python (For linux machines, this will be /home/... instead of /User/...). If you see this, no further action is required. If instead, you get something like /usr/bin/python (i.e. without the anaconda3), you are using your system's python binaries. In this case, please add /User/<your name>/anaconda3/bin to your $PATH environment variable (Guide) and then proceed to the next step.

    • Windows. In your opened anaconda prompt, issue the following:

      • Create a conda environment:

        conda create -n workshop anaconda pip python=3.5

        You can use any other name in place of workshop but be consistent hereafter

      • Activate the environment:

        activate workshop

        Your prompt should change, from C:> to (workshop)C:>

      • Install the required packages found in the requirements file:

        pip install -r requirements.txt
      • Note: you can deactivate the environment by issuing deactivate. But make sure to activate the environment again before running any demos from the prompt, since the required packages are installed in this environment! For more information on conda environments, click here

    • MacOS, Linux. In your opened terminal, issue the following:

      • Create a conda environment:

        conda create -n workshop anaconda pip python=3.5

        You can use any other name in place of workshop but be consistent hereafter

      • Activate the environment:

        source activate workshop

        Your prompt should change, from $ to (workshop)$

      • Install the required packages found in the requirements file:

        pip install -r requirements.txt

        Note: on MacOS, if the tensorflow installation fails, try issuing

        pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade
      • Note: you can deactivate the environment by issuing source deactivate. But make sure to activate the environment again before running any demos from the terminal, since the required packages are installed in this environment! For more information on conda environments, click here

Getting started

  1. Launch Anaconda Navigator and change environment to workshop by clicking on the drop down menu alt text

  2. For demos using Jupyter notebook

    • Launch Jupyter notebook alt text
    • Navigate to the AMDworkshop_demo folder alt text
    • Navigate to the corresponding subfolders and click on <demo name>.ipynb to begin interacting with the demo (Guide)
  3. For demos using Spyder

    • Launch Spyder alt text
    • Navigate to the AMDworkshop_demo folder alt text
    • Navigate to the corresponding subfolders Run the <demo name>.py files as required from Spyder IDE (Guide)


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


codes for AMD workshop







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