Repository containing the Lemanics' team project for the 2022 edition of the nipraxis course.
The purpose of this project is to implement a framework to detect outliers.
Scripts go in the scripts
Library code (Python modules) goes in the findoutlie
You should put the code in this findoutlie
directory on your Python PATH.
This README file has instructions on how to get, validate and process the data.
cd data
curl -L -o group_data.tar
tar xvf group_data.tar
cd ..
python3 scripts/ data
python3 scripts/ data
This should print output to the terminal of form:
<filename>, <outlier_index>, <outlier_index>, ...
<filename>, <outlier_index>, <outlier_index>, ...
Where <filename>
is the name of the image that has outlier scans, and
is an index to the volume in the 4D image that you have
identified as an outlier. 0 refers to the first volume. For example:
data/group-01/sub-01/func/sub-01_task-taskzero_run-01_bold.nii.gz, 3, 21, 22, 104
data/group-01/sub-01/func/sub-01_task-taskzero_run-02_bold.nii.gz, 11, 33, 91
data/group-01/sub-03/func/sub-03_task-taskzero_run-02_bold.nii.gz, 101, 102, 132
data/group-01/sub-08/func/sub-08_task-taskzero_run-01_bold.nii.gz, 0, 1, 2, 166, 167
data/group-01/sub-09/func/sub-08_task-taskzero_run-01_bold.nii.gz, 3