This is absolutely work-in-progress and by no means production-ready
- Generic mailing lib for multiple backends:
- MailGun (TODO)
- Slf4J
- Filesystem (TODO)
- Callback (debug)
- Tagless final API to use with any IO monad
- Reference implementation with cats-effect
- More to follow
In the examples, the cats-effect IO monad is used
The library is splitted in senders and receivers, because some backends (e.g. mailgun) can only send. YOu can use different backends for sending and receiving.
Every sender / receiver needs a concrete adapter implementation, which is specific by backend. In the following examples,
the LogAdapter
, which just logs every sent mail with SLF4J, is used:
import ch.acmesoftware.typemailer.adapter.debug.LogAdapter
import ch.acmesoftware.typemailer.catseffect._
import ch.acmesoftware.typemailer.core.Mail
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
val sendMail = for {
sender <- Sender(LogAdapter(LoggerFactory.getLogger("test")))
mail <- Mail.
from("[email protected]").
to("[email protected]").
to("[email protected]").
subject("Test Subject").
_ <- sender.send(mail)
} yield ()