FQDNs on demand. Powering on-acorn.io
Will create A, AAAA, CNAME, and TXT records in Route53.
Backed by a SQL database. Supports sqlite for development and Maria/MySQL for production.
./bin/acorn-dns api-server -h
acorn-dns api-server - acorn api server
acorn-dns api-server [command options] [arguments...]
--port value HTTP Server Port (default: 4315) [$ACORN_DNS_PORT]
--route53-zone-id value AWS Route53 Zone ID where records will be created [$ACORN_ROUTE53_ZONE_ID]
--route53-record-ttl-seconds value AWS Route53 record TTL (default: 300) [$ACORN_ROUTE53_RECORD_TTL_SECONDS]
--purge-interval-seconds value How often to run the domain and record purge daemon. Default 86,400 (1 day) (default: 86400) [$ACORN_PURGE_INTERVAL_SECONDS]
--domain-max-age-seconds value Max age a domain can be without being renewed before it's deleted. Default 2,592,000 (30 days) (default: 2592000) [$ACORN_DOMAIN_MAX_AGE_SECONDS]
--record-max-age-seconds value Max age a domain can be without being renewed before it's deleted. Default 172,800 (2 days) (default: 172800) [$ACORN_RECORD_MAX_AGE_SECONDS]
--db-engine value The type of DB to connect to, sqlite or mariadb (default: "sqlite") [$ACORN_DB_ENGINE]
--db-sqlite-dsn value The DSN to use to connect to a sqlite db (default: "file:acorn.sqlite?_pragma=foreign_keys(1)") [$ACORN_DB_SQLITE_DSN]
--db-user value Database user [$ACORN_DB_USER]
--db-password value Database password [$ACORN_DB_PASSWORD]
--db-name value Name of the database [$ACORN_DB_NAME]
--db-host value Database host [$ACORN_DB_HOST]
--db-port value Database port [$ACORN_DB_PORT]
--log-level value, -l value Log Level (default: "info") [$LOGLEVEL]
--log-caller log the caller (aka line number and file) (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)