Simple extension to Carbon that makes distinction between date and date-time objects. In order to create a date object, write:
namespace MyApp;
use ActiveCollab\DateValue\DateValue;
$date = new DateValue('last day of April 2017');
print $date->format('Y-m-d') . "\n";
In order to create a date and time object, create a DateTimeValue
namespace MyApp;
use ActiveCollab\DateValue\DateTimeValue;
$date_time = new DateTimeValue('last day of April 2017');
print $date_time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
Since both DateValue, and DateTimeValue classes extend Carbon, you can also use all Carbon methods in your code:
namespace MyApp;
use ActiveCollab\DateValue\DateTimeValue;
$date_time = (new DateTimeValue('last day of April 2017'))->endOfDay();
print $date_time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n";
To specify a date range, use DateRange class. Ranges can be easily iterated:
namespace MyApp;
use ActiveCollab\DateValue\DateRange;
use ActiveCollab\DateValue\DateValue;
use ActiveCollab\DateValue\DateValueInterface;
$first_day = new DateValue('first day of April 2017');
$last_day = new DateValue('last day of April 2017');
$date_range = new DateRange($first_day, $last_day);
/** @var DateValueInterface $day */
foreach ($date_range as $day) {
$this->assertInstanceOf(DateValueInterface::class, $day);
print $day->format('Y-m-d') . "\n"; // Prints all days from 2017-04-01 to 2017-04-30.
There are three helper date range classes:
namespace MyApp;
use ActiveCollab\DateValue\DateRange\MonthDateRange;
use ActiveCollab\DateValue\DateRange\QuarterDateRange;
use ActiveCollab\DateValue\DateRange\YearDateRange;
new MonthDateRange(2017, 4); // April 2017.
new QuarterDateRange(2017, 2); // Q2 2017.
new YearDateRange(2017); // The whole 2017.
These ranges automatically calculate start and end dates, and they can be iterated, just like custom date ranges.
Goals of second iteration of this package are:
- Make the package require PHP 7.1, and use strict types in all files,
- Make the library 100% covered with tests,
- Add support for custom date ranges, as well as year, quarter, month, and day ranges,
- Add support for easy looping in date ranges.