Configure SSH and use AWS SSM to connect to instances. Consider git-managing your configs for quick setup and keeping users up-to-date and in sync.
NOTE: ssm-tool has been moved to its own repo.
Recently I was required to administer AWS instances via Session Manager. After downloading the required plugin and initiating a SSM session locally using aws ssm start-session
I found myself in a situation where I couldn't easily copy
a file from my machine to the server (e.g. using scp
, sftp
, rsync
etc). After some reading of the AWS documentation I discovered it's possible to connect via SSH over SSM, solving this issue. You also get all the other benefits and functionality of SSH e.g. encryption, proxy jumping, port forwarding, socks etc.
At first I really wasn't too keen on SSM but now I'm an advocate! Some cool features:
- You can connect to your private instances inside your VPC without jumping through a public-facing bastion or instance
- You don't need to store any SSH keys locally or on the server.
- Users only require necessary IAM permissions and ability to reach their regional SSM endpoint (via HTTPS).
- SSM 'Documents' are available to restrict users to specific tasks e.g.
. - Due to the way SSM works it's unlikely to find yourself blocked by network-level security, making it a great choice if you need to get out to the internet from inside a restrictive network :p
- Instances must have access to ssm.
{region} - IAM instance profile allowing SSM access must be attached to EC2 instance
- SSM agent must be installed on EC2 instance
- AWS cli requires you install
Existing instances with SSM agent already installed may require agent updates.
is a small bash script that performs some checks on execution and then runs two AWS commands:
aws ssm send-command
(with SSM documentAWS-RunShellScript
)aws ssm start-session
(with SSM documentAWS-StartSSHSession
This allows you to connect via SSH to instances over SSM without needing to manage SSH keys on remote servers.
The difference between this and the ProxyCommand
recommended in the AWS documentation is
automates placing your local SSH public key on the remote server prior to initiating the SSH connection. Without this step your public key must exist on the server (under the correct user's directory) before you connect.
The public key copied to the remote server is removed automatically after 15 seconds, allowing enough time for SSH authentication.
This tool is intended to be used in conjunction with ssh
. It requires that you've configured your AWS CLI (~/.aws/{config,credentials}
) properly. You can either use it as a replacement for the standard AWS ProxyCommand
or spend some time planning and updating your SSH config.
First, we need to make sure the agent on each of our instances is up-to-date. You can use aws ssm describe-instance-information
to list instances and aws ssm send-command
to update them. Alternatively, use ssm-tool to list or update your instances:
Check your instances
[elpy@testbox ~]$ AWS_PROFILE=int-monitor1 python3 ssm-tool
instance id |ip |agent up-to-date |platform |name
i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxx3b4 |10.xx.xx.6 |False |Ubuntu |instance1
i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxx504 |10.xx.xx.84 |False |Amazon Linux |
i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxxfe9 |10.xx.xx.143 |False |CentOS Linux |instance8
Update all instances
[elpy@testbox ~]$ AWS_PROFILE=int-monitor1 python3 ssm-tool --update
[elpy@testbox ~]$ AWS_PROFILE=int-monitor1 python3
instance id |ip |agent up-to-date |platform |name
i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxx3b4 |10.xx.xx.6 |True |Ubuntu |instance1
i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxx504 |10.xx.xx.84 |True |Amazon Linux |
i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxxfe9 |10.xx.xx.143 |True |CentOS Linux |instance8
Now that all of our instances are running an up-to-date agent we need to update our SSH config (~/.ssh/config
# applies to all hosts and ensures our SSH sessions remain alive when idle
Host *
TCPKeepAlive yes
ServerAliveInterval 30
ConnectTimeout 10
# place any other/existing configuration here
Match Host i-*
ProxyCommand %h %r
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ssm-ssh-tmp
StrictHostKeyChecking no
BatchMode yes
This enables you to connect via ssh
using the appropriate username and instance-id e.g. ssh ec2-user@<instance-id>
. You'll need to ensure AWS credentials are available in your environment, either with AWS_PROFILE
Host confluence-prod.personal
Hostname i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxxe28
User ec2-user
ProxyCommand bash -c "AWS_PROFILE=atlassian-prod ~/bin/ %h %r"
Host jira-stg.personal
Hostname i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxxe49
User ec2-user
ProxyCommand bash -c "AWS_PROFILE=atlassian-nonprod ~/bin/ %h %r"
Host jenkins-master.personal
Hostname i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxx143
User centos
ProxyCommand bash -c "AWS_PROFILE=jenkins-home ~/bin/ %h %r"
Match Host i-*
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ssm-ssh-tmp
BatchMode yes
Above we've configured 3 separate instances for SSH access by specifying the username, instance-id and host to use for local commands i.e. ssh {host}
. We've also hard-coded the AWS_PROFILE
environment variable for the ProxyCommand
so we don't need to manually provide credentials via tooling. This type of configuration is generally OK if you only have a few instances to work with.
Show which config file and Host
you match against, and the final command executed by SSH:
ssh -G confluence-prod.personal
Debug connection issues:
ssh -vvv user@host
For further informaton consider enabling debug for aws
aws ssm --debug command
Once you've tested it and you're confident it's all correct give it a go! Remember to place
in ~/bin/
(or wherever you prefer), and ensure it's available in your $PATH
[elpy1@testbox ~]$ aws-mfa
INFO - Validating credentials for profile: default
INFO - Your credentials are still valid for 14105.807801 seconds they will expire at 2020-01-25 18:06:08
[elpy1@testbox ~]$ ssh confluence-prod.personal
Last login: Sat Jan 25 08:59:40 2020 from localhost
__| __|_ )
_| ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI
[ec2-user@ip-10-xx-x-x06 ~]$ logout
Connection to i-0fxxxxxxxxxxxxe28 closed.
[elpy@testbox ~]$ scp ~/bin/ bitbucket-prod.personal:~ 100% 366 49.4KB/s 00:00
[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssh bitbucket-prod.personal ls -la ssh\*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ec2-user ec2-user 366 Jan 26 07:27
[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssh -f -NT -D 8080 jira-prod.personal
[elpy@testbox ~]$ curl -x socks://localhost:8080
[elpy@testbox ~]$ whois | grep -i techname
OrgTechName: Amazon EC2 Network Operations
DB tunnel:
[elpy@testbox ~]$ ssh -f -NT -oExitOnForwardFailure=yes -L jira-prod.personal
[elpy@testbox ~]$ ss -lt4p sport = :5432
State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
LISTEN 0 128 *:* users:(("ssh",pid=26130,fd=6))
[elpy@testbox ~]$ psql --host localhost --port 5432
SSH (with minimum required configuration):
[elpy@testbox ~]$ jumpbox=$(aws --profile atlassian-prod ec2 describe-instances --filters 'Name=tag:Name,Values=confluence-prod' --output text --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].InstanceId')
[elpy@testbox ~]$ echo ${jumpbox}
[elpy@testbox ~]$ AWS_PROFILE=atlassian-prod ssh ec2-user@${jumpbox}
Last login: Sat Jan 25 08:59:40 2020 from localhost
__| __|_ )
_| ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI
[ec2-user@ip-10-xx-x-x06 ~]$ logout
Connection to i-0fxxxxxxxxxxxxe28 closed.