- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with mlocate
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Contributors
Install and manage the mlocate/updatedb package.
Mlocate is a useful tool that does a find of your system and records the files present. It's a bit old, not commonly used, irrelevant on disposable systems, but I like it, so get off my lawn.
- installs the mlocate package
- removes the default cron job, and replaces it with one that is splayed via fqdn_rand
You need a modern puppetlabs/stdlib.
Everything can be configured via the default mlocate class.
Basic usage that will result is a setup very close to a default CentOS configuration
include ::mlocate
Exclude some directories:
class { '::mlocate':
extra_prunepaths => [ '/exports', '/data' ],
- mlocate: Main class, includes other classes.
- mlocate::params: default parameters.
- mlocate::install: install and configure the software.
- mlocate::cron: setup the cron job.
The following parameters are available as options to the default mlocate class.
The name of the package to install. Default: mlocate
Ensure the package is present, latest, or absent. Default: present
The name of the updatedb wrapper script. Default: /usr/local/bin/mlocate.cron
Run an initial update when the package is installed. Default: true
The configuration file for updatedb. Default: /etc/updatedb.conf
Ensure the cron jobs is present or absent. Default: present
The standard cron time schedule. Default: once a week based on fqdn_rand
Prune out bind mounts or not. Default: yes Refer to the updatedb.conf man page for more detail. On redhat 5 systems defaults to none.
Prune out directories matching this pattern. Default: .git .hg .svn Refer to the updatedb.conf man page for more detail. On redhat 5 systems defaults to none.
Prune out additional directories matching this pattern. Default: none
Prune out these FS types. Default: refer to the params.pp Refer to the updatedb.conf man page for more detail.
Prune out additional directories matching this pattern. Default: none
Prune out paths matching this pattern. Default: refer to params.pp Refer to the updatedb.conf man page for more detail.
Prune out additional directories matching this pattern. Default: none
This has only been tested on CentOS 6.5, but should work fine on any RHEL based system, versions 4+
Please add spec tests, and submit PR's from a branch.
More spec tests are needed.
Contributors can be found on github.