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ameliagreenhall edited this page Apr 1, 2013 · 6 revisions

Urban Data Challenge Entry Form

You must submit your original project by 11:59PM PST on March 31, 2013. The judging panel will announce winning projects on April 6, 2013. Any issues email [email protected]

Project Title*

Dots on the Bus

Project Description Narrative*

Sometimes riding transit can seem intimidating, but this visualization proves it: everybody's doing it. Pick a route off the map and watch a day in the life of the line. Buses speed by, passengers jumping on and off. Some lines are slow, some are hopping, and rush hour is often hilarious.

Project Team Member(s) and Bio(s)*

Adam Greenhall. @adamgreenhall Climber and explorer finishing a PhD in wind power in summer 2013. Project roles: Lead Engineer - implementation (d3.js), data handling and analysis

Amelia Greenhall. @ameliagreenhall Writer, climber, cyclist. Publisher of the Open Review Quarterly. Designer & Data Scientist at FutureAdvisor. Project roles: Lead Design - concept, UX/UI design; implementation (d3.js), product management

Jared McFarland @jaredmcfarland - Agile web developer, guitarist, cyclist, music/film/art junkie. Founding engineer at FutureAdvisor. Project roles: Consulting Engineer - DevOps and coffeescript

Project Links(s) Video or Website


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Project Images

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Project Point Contact Name

Amelia Greenhall