Upgrade and migration of previous repo that is now private.
1. Speed up goods unpacking for shop owner or employees by providing "stations", where they can quickly check for product information by scanning it's code.
2. Stations also serve as a current product information displayers for customers (when the price changes literary 1x/week, it might come in handy, same with weight changes etc. ...).
station is custom-made hardware, that is connected to MQTT broker
there can be many (each could be different) stations in one store
subscribe to topics that allow to control them (/sleep, /info MQTT endpoints)
it is able to create request in a specified format and send it to the mqtt-database-api (expecting response containing product data)
print the response on a display
- cli-control-app
- config
- database
- http-database-update-server
- mqtt-database-api
- product-data-response-displayer-rpi
- product-data-response-displayer-esp32
What does it do?
Config options provider, that is able to parse specific config options from .json file.
- see config/parser.go to see example of the following steps and format:
- create .json file and put in your required configuration options
- create structs inside parser.go as in the example
- load where needed
What does it do?
Extendable database package, that includes interface of database with required methods and postgresql sample implementation that I use.
- standard database operations like connecting, disconnecting, creating and deleting table.
- includes app specific methods to query product data, mentioned later on
- import database from csv file
What does it do?
Database API using the MQTT protocol, so that stations can request data from database without knowing how to query a database.
Purpose of this API is to remove the burden of data querying for small, not very powerful devices like ESP32 station.
It can be used with any device that has all of the station requirements, like Raspberry PI station.
Therefore, increasing the speed of station operation and unifying access to data.
- listen to specific MQTT topic, so that stations can request product data
- query database based on barcode that is included in the request
- return operation result to the requesting station
What does it do?
HTTP server that performs updates of product database on request.
Listens for .mdb or .csv files and then creates database from those files.
- listen to /update HTTP endpoint, expecting to receive mentioned file
- parse it, create database out of it
What does it do?
CLI app runnable on Windows, Linux and macOS, that allows user to send requests to HTTP server, control devices connected via MQTT broker.
- /update - send .mdb or .csv file to http server to update database with current stock information
- /sleep - tell one of the devices to go sleep
- /info - display info about all the devices connected to the mqtt broker
What does it do?
This is a type of station.
- running on raspberry pi (or any other device that is not a microcontroller)
What does it do?
This is a type of station.
- running on esp32 device