Basically an easy way to split up webhook requests from bugcrowd into different slack channels.
Copy the .env.copy to .env and fill in the values
To generate a hash we recommend openssl rand -base64 32
this will generate a 32 character hash you can increase number of characters if you want
To run locally just use cargo run
this will expose the port at
Use docker compose up -d
this will start your server to be exposed on port 80 and 443
For this to work you will need to have the domain pointing to the server
All certs are handled by traefik
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
This project was to learn more about rust and how to use it; while, improving the current workflow for bugcrowd. If you have any suggestions or want to contribute feel free to open a PR or issue Hopefully this can be useful to someone else