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Bessel 0 (#315)
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Tests and examples for Bessel beams:
- test using equivalent command line strings `tests/equiv/`
- simple examples `examples/bessel`
- scripts to reproduce 4 figures in a recent paper (submitted)

Fixes a bug in TML type of Bessel beams.
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stefaniagl authored Mar 28, 2022
1 parent d7e6169 commit 581bec6
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,590 additions and 12 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/
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Various examples of using ADDA. Mostly these are tutorial examples, which illustrate certain features of ADDA and should not consume too much computational time. The only exception is subfolder `papers/`, which additionally aims to reproduce specific published simulations (thus, may require a large cluster). All examples are designed to be run out of the box assuming that compiled binaries are available (either by default compilation or pre-compiled for Windows). Some only run ADDA with proper command lines, others - also plot or post-process the obtained results. See further details inside corresponding folders:
* `bessel/` – examples involving excitation by Bessel beams (will be added after #209)
* `bessel/` – examples involving excitation by Bessel beams
* `eels/` – examples involving excitation by a fast electron (will be added after #155)
* `papers/` – examples reproducing published results
* `` - common script to locate ADDA binaries and set corresponding environmenal variables
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion examples/bessel/
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A stub to be filled later.
The python code `` performs the comparison of scattering intensities calculated with ADDA for two different Bessel beams. By default, they are LE and LM beams of order 2 scattered by a wavelength-sized sphere, but it can be easily modified inside the script.

Other folders (produced by the script):
* `option_1/` - contains raw ADDA results (log file, mueller matrix, incident field, and cross sections by default) for the 1st command line option
* `option_2/` - the same for the 2nd option
* `saved/` - final figures in PDF format
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# This code compares the scattering intensities calculated with the DDA (ADDA code)
# for the scattering of two different Bessel beams (option_1 and option_2) by a sphere.

import os, re, math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc

# path to adda executable
#adda_exec = "../../win64/adda.exe"
adda_exec = os.path.abspath(__file__ + "/../../../src/seq/adda")

# define here different parameters for 2 options (see ADDA manual)
run_options = [' -beam besselLE 2 15', # option 1
' -beam besselLM 2 15'] # option 2

# =============================================================================
# Bessel beams in ADDA:
# besselCS <order> <angle>
# -Bessel beam with circularly symmetric energy density.
# besselCSp <order> <angle>
# -Alternative Bessel beam with circularly symmetric energy density.
# besselM <order> <angle> <ReMex> <ReMey> <ReMmx> <ReMmy> [<ImMex> <ImMey> <ImMmx> <ImMmy>]
# -Generalized Bessel beam. The beam is defined by 2x2 matrix M:
# (Mex, Mey, Mmx, Mmy). Real parts of these four elements are obligatory,
# while imaginary parts are optional (zero, by default).
# besselLE <order> <angle>
# -Bessel beam with linearly polarized electric field.
# besselLM <order> <angle>
# -Bessel beam with linearly polarized magnetic field.
# besselTEL <order> <angle>
# -Linear component of the TE Bessel beam.
# besselTML <order> <angle>
# -Linear component of the TM Bessel beam.
# Order is integer (of any sign) and the half-cone angle (in degrees)
# is measured from the z-axis.
# =============================================================================


# data generation (run of ADDA code)
def adda_run(mode): # option 1 or 2

# cmd line generation (see ADDA manual)

# common parameters for 2 options
cmdline = adda_exec
cmdline += ' -grid 16' # particle discretization
cmdline += ' -sym enf' # do not simulate second polarization
cmdline += ' -ntheta 180' # number of scattering angles
cmdline += ' -store_beam' # save incident field
cmdline += ' -dir option_' + str(mode) # save path
cmdline += run_options[mode-1]



# data extraction
def extractData(mode):
path = 'option_' + str(mode)
files = os.listdir(path)
with open(path + '/' + str(files[files.index('mueller')])) as f:
fileM =
dat = re.split('[\n \t]',fileM)
theta = dat[17:-1:17]
s11 = dat[18:-1:17]
s12 = dat[19:-1:17]

with open(path + '/' + str(files[files.index('IncBeam-Y')])) as f:
fileF =
dat = re.split('[\n \t]',fileF)
xd = dat[10:-1:10]
yd = dat[11:-1:10]
zd = dat[12:-1:10]
ed = dat[13:-1:10]

theta = [float(th) for th in theta]
s11 = [float(s) for s in s11]
s12 = [float(s) for s in s12]
i_per = [x-y for x, y in zip(s11, s12)]
i_par = [x+y for x, y in zip(s11, s12)]
xd = [float(i) for i in xd]
yd = [float(i) for i in yd]
zd = [float(i) for i in zd]
ed = [float(i) for i in ed]
minz = min([abs(i) for i in zd])
zslice = [i for i in range(len(zd)) if zd[i]==minz]
xd = [xd[i] for i in zslice]
yd = [yd[i] for i in zslice]
ed = [ed[i] for i in zslice]

return theta,i_per,i_par,xd,yd,ed,minz


# data visualisation

# plots of scattering intensities
def plotData(xv1,yv1,xv2,yv2,flag):
plt.plot(xv1, yv1, label = 'option 1', color = (0.5, 0.7, 0.9))
plt.plot(xv2, yv2, label = 'option 2', color = 'm',linestyle='dashed')
plt.tick_params(which='major',right=True, top=True)
plt.tick_params(which='minor',right=True, top=True)
plt.xlabel(r'Scattering angle $\theta$, deg')
if flag == 1:
plt.ylabel(r'$I_{\perp}$ (H plane)')
if flag == 2:
plt.ylabel(r'$I_{\parallel}$ (E plane)')
plt.xlim(0, 180)

maxint = max(yv2)
dev = list(map(lambda x, y: math.fabs((x-y)/maxint*100), yv1,yv2))
dev2 = list(map(lambda x, y: (math.fabs((x-y)/maxint))**2, yv1,yv2))

print('\nDeviations ' + str(flag))
print('Max relative error, %:')
print('Average relative error,%:')
print('RMS, %:')

# Visualisation of the amplitude of the incident electric field almost in the middle
# of the particle (the nearest to the center xy-plane of dipoles is used, its z-coordinate is shown on the plot)
def plotField(xd,yd,ed,z0,mode):
ax.set_title(r'OPTION '+str(mode)+':\n '+run_options[mode-1]+'\nIntensity profile of $|E_{inc}|^2$\n(z = '+str(round(z0,2))+')');
ax.scatter(xd, yd, ed, c=ed, cmap='viridis', linewidth=0.5);
#ax.plot_trisurf(xd, yd, ed,cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none');
ax.w_xaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.w_yaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.w_zaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))



theta_1,iper_1,ipar_1,xd_1,yd_1,ed_1,z0_1 = extractData(1) # extraction of ADDA results for option 1
theta_2,iper_2,ipar_2,xd_2,yd_2,ed_2,z0_2 = extractData(2) # extraction of ADDA results for option 2

# data visualisation

fig = plt.figure()
# Visualisation of the amplitude of the incident electric field for option 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(221,projection='3d')
# Visualisation of the amplitude of the incident electric field for option 2
ax = fig.add_subplot(222,projection='3d')
# Perpendicular scattering intensity (1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(223)
# Parallel scattering intensity (2)
ax = fig.add_subplot(224)


# data save
os.makedirs('saved', exist_ok=True)

plt.savefig('saved/results.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
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This python module `` includes common functions for building the figures 12-15 from the paper with the following python scripts (each runs ADDA and produces a single figure):
* ``
* ``
* `` (requires 8.2 GB of RAM)
* ``

Other folders (some are produced by scripts):
* `dda/` - contains raw ADDA output in subfolders `/option_#/` (0 - Fig.12; 1 - Fig.13; 2-4 - Fig.15). `/extrapolation/` - contains several `run_...` folders with raw ADDA output for Fig.14.
* `ref/glmt/` - contains raw data for the scattering intensities of Bessel beams obtained with the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) for Figs. 12 and 13 (`/option_0/` and `/option_1/` subfolders, respectively).
* `particles/` - contains images of scattering particles presented in Figs. 12,13, and 15.
* `saved/` - final figures in PDF format.

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