Fullstack engineer specializing in Medusa.js and ecommerce development since 2022. I've successfully shipped various projects including marketplaces, B2B and B2C solutions, as well as Medusa plugins. I am also a moderator and a major community contributor on "the official Medusa Discord channel".
In my spare time, I enjoy contributing to open source projects
Currently, I take on contracts during the weekends and my evenings, while working full-time as a fullstack engineer specialized in Medusa at WebexpR.
I'm also building perseidesjs, an open-source project created to share my knowledge with the community through guides, consulting sessions, and plugins.
You can find out more about my work "here".
- Medusa Marketplace #5 | Stripe Connect
- Medusa Marketplace #4 | Payments Splitting
- Medusa Marketplace #3 | Orders Splitting
- Medusa Marketplace #2.4 | Extending Shipping services
- Medusa Marketplace #2.3 | Extending Shipping Profiles/Options
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