🚀 Ticketing System - Open Zen Class Query
Ticketing System API is a full-stack application built using the MERN stack, designed to manage user queries with role-based access for Admins, Learners, and Mentors. The platform features real-time chat functionality, enabling seamless communication and efficient resolution of queries.
Backend Repo - https://github.com/adhit7/ticketing-system-backend
- Create batches, learners, and mentors.
- Assign mentors to batch queries raised by learners.
- Monitor ongoing conversations and close queries with solutions.
- Email Verification: Automatically send credentials (including a temporary password) to learners and mentors via email when creating their accounts. They can later change this password.
- Create and submit queries.
- Chat with the assigned batch mentor and close queries upon resolution.
- Engage in real-time chat with learners regarding their assigned queries.
- Close queries after providing solutions.
Admin: (To get into admin route, you have to just remove other login route names and add /admin/login at end of the url)
-Email: [email protected]
-password: 12345
$ git clone https://github.com/adhit7/ticketing-system-frontend.git
$ cd ticketing-system-frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start