By Aditya Kelekar, updated: 6.4.2021
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop software to visualize Covid-19 infection rates. Potential users are academicians, researchers and journalists. Such users can interact with the project’s website to create visual representations of Covid-19 data and save these as files. The data source is EU Open Data Portal: The project uses the following libraries: (i) matplotlib 3.3.0 (ii) pandas 1.1.0 (iii) flask 1.1.2
The project website can be found at: Currently website users can plot graphs for: (i) Bargraphs of one user-entered country and four other countries from the same continent (ii) Linegraphs of infections in three user-entered countries over a period of time Docker image:
- Rewrite program to extend time period beyond December 2020. (Current program creates a website that shows Covid data until 6th December 2020. The format of the data hosted by EU Open Portal was changed in December 2020.)
- Provide user the option to input a time period for which line graphs should be drawn.
INSTALLATION AND RUNNING THE PROJECT: On Linux and Mac: Download this project from Github and run it like any other Flask Python project. Here are the steps to download and run the project:
Step 1 : Install Python 3.7+
Step 2 : In your Terminal, first cd into the directory you would like to store the Covid project. Then type the following commands one after another in your Terminal:
mkdir covid-project && cd covid-project
python3 -m venv covid-venv
source covid-venv/bin/activate
git clone
cd covid-cases-webapp
pip install -r requirements.txt
Your installation is successful if you have a message saying:
Serving Flask app "app" (lazy loading)
(more output)
Running on
Step 3 : Leave the Terminal or minimize it but do not close the Terminal. Go to your browser and paste the URL: The site page displayed should have the title: COVID-19 PLOTS
Click on: Countries and Cases bar graphs
Scroll and select Bhutan, click on: Show results
Click on: Show bargraph
Your downloaded project is running successful if you see a bar graph with Bhutan and four other countries.
Note: If you want to exit from the project on your Terminal, either close or it press: Ctrl + C
TESTS: Tested for different countries by running program and manually checking output.
HOW TO GET IN TOUCH: Please write to me at [email protected] for contributions and suggestions. Thank you!