Blossom is a one-stop app for young girls to gain access to accurate and reliable menstrual education and resources, available on Android and iOS.
- User can either sign-in through google, create an account, or continue as an anonymous user
- Onboarding questions to personalize user experience
- Home page with daily quiz question, upcoming cycle details, and news stories related to reproductive cycle relief and recent findings
- A period tracker, with a calendar to log period information
- A learning hub, with quizzes and resources
- A map page that allows users to find the nearest period product and health services, as well as alternatives
Click HERE to check it out!
- Ensure you have Flutter and Andriod Studio downloaded on your machine and are able to run Flutter projects locally.
- Run the following command to ensure your system meets the requirements to run the app. All requirements must be met to run the app.
flutter doctor
- Git clone the project into the directory of your choosing.
git clone
- Change directory to "BlossomApp"
cd ./BlossomApp
- Edit the secrets.dart file and add your Google and API keys.
String NewsAPIKey = "NEWS API Key Here";
String GoogleAPIKey = "Google API Key Here";
- Add your Google API key in the AndriodManifest.xml file in BlossomApp/andriod/app/src/main directory on line 65
<meta-data android:name=""
android:value="GOOGLE API KEY HERE"/>
- Add your Google API key in the AppDelegate.swift file in BlossomApp/ios/Runner directory on line 13
GMSServices.provideAPIKey("GOOGLE API KEY HERE")
- Run the following commands to download all required dependancies.
flutter clean
flutter pub get
- After successfully downloading all dependancies, you are ready to run the app.
flutter run --no-sound-null-safety
It is preferred you run the app on an actual Andriod device or emulator since it was primarily tested on Andriod; however, iOS will also work.
- Update the period tracker to predict future cycles. To implement the prediction, we plan on using the k-nearest neighbours machine learning algorithm with the data provided by users. There a couple of options for doing so, such as the simple_knn package and/or the ml_algo library.
- Introduce a chatbot to answer specific questions and direct users to specific pages.
- Implement a point-reward system, wherein the more quizzes you complete correctly, the more points you accumulate. You can redeem points for coupons at partner pharmarcies/drug stores.
- Promote the app in schools and our local communities!